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Apr 13, 2021
Join our special guests, the Tanzu Vanguards, as they discuss Containers and Monitoring. Current applications often consist of many different containerized services. This is great for portability and scaling, but how do you know when to scale up and down and how do your business transactions behave in this microservice mesh? And from a platform perspective, how do you ensure your platform can cope with the app’s demands?
In this session, you will learn which tools are currently available (example: Prometheus, Tanzu Observability by Wavefront, etc.) and which tool is suitable for which portion of the story. Learn what are the ups and downs of each tool and see from a user’s perspective which features are mandatory and which are just nice to have. Finally, we also plan to take on the most difficult, challenging question currently facing the DevOps world: Where does the monitoring responsibility of a DevOps team end and what portions of the monitoring challenge are in the Platform team’s realm? Please join us on 4/13 to find out!
Tiffany is a senior developer advocate at VMware and is focused on Kubernetes. She previously worked as a software developer and developer advocate (nerd whisperer) for containers at Amazon. She also formerly worked at Docker and Intel. Prior to that, she graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering. In her free time she really likes to travel and dabble in photography. You can find her on Twitter @tiffanyfayj.
Brian Chang is a 25 year veteran of the IT industry, which includes stints at Sun Microsystems, AT&T Broadband, Snapfish, Red Hat and now Pivotal/VMware. He was instrumental in many major cloud announcements and lead the launch of Sun Cloud, Red Hat Ceph Storage, Red Hat Accelerators and is now currently leading the VMware Tanzu Vanguard - an enterprise customer super user community.
Cora Iberkleid is a Developer Advocate for Modern Applications at VMware Tanzu, helping developers and enterprises navigate modern practices and technologies, focusing on cloud native architecture, modern CI/CD, Spring, and Kubernetes.
Prior to joining VMware, Cora was an Advisory Solutions Engineer at Pivotal. She also spent nearly a decade at Sun Microsystems and Oracle, helping customers design and build enterprise integration applications. Through this experience, she developed an understanding and empathy for complex organizational challenges, and she strives to incorporate this empathy into her everyday work.