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Cloud Native Culture with Nate Schutta

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8:00 PM UTC on Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020

Cloud Native Culture with Nate Schutta

Cloud Native Culture with Nate Schutta

Aug 18, 2020

In this episode

The shift to cloud computing involves a veritable plethora of new technologies and approaches. From 12 factors to domain driven design, change is afoot. Your organization is knee deep in functions and platforms and containers and while the technology is important, we can’t afford to overlook the importance of culture. What changes when we go to the cloud? How do we get there? How does Conway’s law affect the success of our efforts? How can we help people navigate the latest evolution in computing? This talk will explore how cloud native computing impacts more than just our architecture.


Nate Schutta

Nate Schutta

Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software architect focused on cloud computing and building usable applications. A proponent of polyglot programming, Nate has written multiple books and appeared in various videos. He is a seasoned speaker, regularly presenting at conferences worldwide, No Fluff Just Stuff symposia, meetups, universities, and user groups. In addition to his day job, Nate is an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota where he teaches students to embrace (and evaluate) technical change. Driven to rid the world of bad presentations, Nate co-authored the book Presentation Patterns (O’Reilly Media, 2016) with Neal Ford and Matthew McCullough. He also recently published Thinking Architecturally (O’Reilly Media, 2018), available as a free download from VMware.

Nate’s presentations cover a variety of topics, ranging from architecture fundamentals to mobile design, usability, cloud computing, JavaScript, and everything in between. His current slate of talks can be found in Talk Abstracts, however additional presentations can also be found at his NFJS Speaker Page. If you are interested in having Nate speak at your event, please reach out.


Tiffany Jernigan

Tiffany Jernigan

Tiffany is a senior developer advocate at VMware and is focused on Kubernetes. She previously worked as a software developer and developer advocate (nerd whisperer) for containers at Amazon. She also formerly worked at Docker and Intel. Prior to that, she graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering. In her free time she really likes to travel and dabble in photography. You can find her on Twitter @tiffanyfayj.

Paul Czarkowski

Paul Czarkowski