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Spring On Kubernetes with Ryan Baxter

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8:00 PM UTC on Tuesday, Jul 28, 2020

Spring On Kubernetes with Ryan Baxter

Spring On Kubernetes with Ryan Baxter

Jul 28, 2020

In this episode

In this session we are going to show you how to get your Spring apps up and running on Kubernetes. This session will take you from everyone’s favorite place on the internet, start.spring.io all the way to automated deployments directly to Kubernetes. We will cover tools, as well as best practices, that will make getting your Spring app from your dev machine to your Kubernetes (production) even faster and easier. In addition we will spend some time showing you how to use Spring Cloud Kubernetes to build cloud native Spring apps that run on Kubernetes. By the end of this session you will have all the knowledge you need to target Kubernetes as your production environment.


Ryan Baxter

Ryan Baxter

Exploring new languages, frameworks, and technologies, and then sharing what he’s learned, has always come naturally to Ryan. Even when it wasn’t his day job, Ryan has always been driven by his passion, spending his time and energy educating his friends, colleagues, or anyone else that would listen. Currently, Ryan is working as a software engineer as part of the Spring Cloud team. Ryan has a passion for sharing what he learns via social media, including Twitter and his blog, as well as in person at conferences. When he’s not coding, Ryan likes spending time with his daughter, ice fishing, running obstacle course races, and watching the Red Sox.


Tiffany Jernigan

Tiffany Jernigan

Tiffany is a senior developer advocate at VMware and is focused on Kubernetes. She previously worked as a software developer and developer advocate (nerd whisperer) for containers at Amazon. She also formerly worked at Docker and Intel. Prior to that, she graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering. In her free time she really likes to travel and dabble in photography. You can find her on Twitter @tiffanyfayj.

Paul Czarkowski

Paul Czarkowski