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Distributed Systems With Mark Heckler

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7:00 AM UTC on Tuesday, Apr 14, 2020

Distributed Systems With Mark Heckler

Distributed Systems With Mark Heckler

Apr 14, 2020

In this episode

Have you ever watched Bob Ross start with a blank canvas at the beginning of an episode and wondered how he ended the show with all of those happy little trees? You are not alone.

This session is a guided, live-coding tour of select Spring technologies with an eye toward production: Spring Boot, database access, Java, Kotlin, REST APIs, template engines, imperative, reactive…so many brushes to choose and use!

This session will be a guided tour of several key Spring technologies with the goal of exploring and understanding how they fit together, pros and cons, and options you have at hand to deliver robust production systems. Come to the session and bring your brushes! Let’s build systems.


Mark Heckler

Mark Heckler

Mark Heckler is a software developer & Principal Cloud Developer Advocate for Java/JVM Languages at Microsoft, conference speaker, Java Champion, and Kotlin Developer Expert focused on developing innovative production-ready software at velocity for cloud and edge computing platforms. He has worked with key players in numerous industries and public sector organizations to develop and deliver critical capabilities on time and on budget. Mark is an open source contributor and author of Spring Boot: Up and Running and can be found on Twitter @mkheck.


Tiffany Jernigan

Tiffany Jernigan

Tiffany is a senior developer advocate at VMware and is focused on Kubernetes. She previously worked as a software developer and developer advocate (nerd whisperer) for containers at Amazon. She also formerly worked at Docker and Intel. Prior to that, she graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering. In her free time she really likes to travel and dabble in photography. You can find her on Twitter @tiffanyfayj.

Paul Czarkowski

Paul Czarkowski