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Tanzu Talk: Four Important DevOps Metrics

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3:17 PM UTC on Wednesday, Dec 02, 2020

Tanzu Talk: Four Important DevOps Metrics

Tanzu Talk: Four Important DevOps Metrics

Dec 2, 2020

In this episode

In this episode, I discuss four software and operations metrics to start with when you’re doing your digital transformation, app modernization stuff: deployment frequency, lead time for changes, time to restore service, and change failure rate.

Also, I discuss my thoughts on TRRS vs. TRS cables, and USB-C variations.


Article on Metrics: https://financialit.net/blog/software/three-success-metrics-software-development

Free book, The Business Bottleneck: https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/cote/the-business-bottleneck?utm_source=cote&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=tanzutalk


00:00 - Intro and recap. 01:49 - This is part of “digital transformation,” doing software better. 02:46 - Deployment frequency. 05:26 - Lead time for changes. 07:14 - VMware Tanzu speeds up time to market. 09:20 - Rant on Cable Complexity. 10:39 - Time to restore service. 13:41 - Detecting if you’re slacking off. 15:05 - Change Failure rate 16:10 - Shipping with bugs in favor of higher value features 16:57 - Using metrics to drive discussion and collaboration (some SRE think) 18:51 - Large enterprises are fleets, not single boats 19:55 - More in my free books 21:55 - Free Kubernetes training and knowledge at kube.academy. 22:20 - The return of banana boy.