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Tanzu Talk: actually following priorities and using opportunity cost in your business case

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12:16 PM UTC on Friday, Oct 23, 2020

Tanzu Talk: actually following priorities and using opportunity cost in your business case

Tanzu Talk: actually following priorities and using opportunity cost in your business case

Oct 23, 2020

In this episode

Robbie Clutton joins me again to talk more agile-think. First, we discuss how you can nudge people to actually follow priorities. How do you get people to do what they’re supposed to? Then, we discuss how to think about and use cost of delay in business case thinking. Cost of delay is also a good tool for prioritizing work as well.


00:00 - Today’s guest: Robbie Clutton 01:11 - Compelling people to follow the priorities 05:35 - the moral responsibility of telling people to floss. 17:28 - Things that harm developer experience 19:57 - Cost of delay/releasing value sooner 35:59 - Case study: family chores 40:18 - Bye, bye!