Tanzu Talk

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Tanzu Talk: Shift right to improve corporate strategy

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12:12 PM UTC on Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020

Tanzu Talk: Shift right to improve corporate strategy

Tanzu Talk: Shift right to improve corporate strategy

Oct 20, 2020

In this episode

Corporate strategy could be improved by shifting right, moving closer to the week-to-week software cycle to get more familiar with customers and changes in the market. See more on corporate strategy in The Business Bottleneck.

Plus, I discuss bottleneck removal and thinking about policy and governance as human system, not static “laws.”

00:00 – The agenda. 02:51 – kube.academy. 4:00 – Remove bottlenecks to get better at software, always. 22:06 – Amsterdam art nouveau. 24:06 – Shift right to improve corporate strategy. 35:45 – Discovery workshops. 38:07 – Policy is made by humans. 43:33 – Bye, bye!