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Cloud Native Apps in Financial Institutions

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1:00 PM UTC on Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023

Cloud Native Apps in Financial Institutions

Cloud Native Apps in Financial Institutions

Jul 19, 2023

In this episode

Remember when fintech startups were going to take down banks and insurance companies? That didn’t seem to happen. Financial organizations didn’t just sit still, they studied and adapted to these “disruptors.” Also, it’s just plain hard to be a large financial organization.

Darran Rice and I just wrapped up a 3 part series discussing how financial organizations are using cloud native software and thinking to not only do the basics like run more efficiently and focus on customer service, but to think about how they can innovate and experiment with new business strategies. Innovation is just part of it though. We also went over escaping the legacy trap, and then security and compliance.

In each of these areas, Darran and @thecote discussed how cloud native apps create new opportunities to operate even better than before. Sure, there’s new things to “worry” about, but there’s a lot more to take advantage of if you’re moving to doing cloud native app development.

You can check out the original series, and also join Darran and @thecote for a bit of a fireside chat about the series. Sign-up for this LinkedIn event and check out the live broadcast if you’d like watch and ask questions.

💾 Talk with us about mapping the path to production: https://tanzu.vmware.com/office-hours?utm_source=cote&utm_campaign=devrel&utm_content=firesideaftershow

📘 Read more about mapping the path to production: https://tanzu.vmware.com/developer/practices/path-to-production-mapping/?utm_source=cote&utm_campaign=devrel&utm_content=firesideaftershow

📹 Watch the original talk series: https://series.brighttalk.com/series/5803/?utm_source=cote&utm_campaign=devrel&utm_content=firesideaftershow

Also, here’s the platform marketing and advocacy discussion @thecote mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCgNyf27D0c&utm_source=cote&utm_campaign=devrel&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_content=firesideaftershow