Tanzu Talk

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Tanzu Talk: The thrilling world of chargebacks, or, the dangers thereof

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11:44 AM UTC on Tuesday, Oct 06, 2020

Tanzu Talk: The thrilling world of chargebacks, or, the dangers thereof

Tanzu Talk: The thrilling world of chargebacks, or, the dangers thereof

Oct 6, 2020

In this episode

Tanzu Talk: The thrilling world of chargebacks, or, the dangers thereof

Chargebacks! People love asking about chargebacks - “recouping” costs, metering usage. How should you think about these in cloud native land? There’s plenty of unintended side effects that can harm your overall strategy and business, so make sure to put a lot of thought into how you’re doing it, if at all! That’s today’s topic.

Full show notes: https://hackmd.io/@cote/TanzuTalkDaily20201006