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Tanzu Talk - What is DevSecOps? Part 02: Automating Verification and Guardrails

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9:22 AM UTC on Monday, May 30, 2022

Tanzu Talk - What is DevSecOps? Part 02: Automating Verification and Guardrails

Tanzu Talk - What is DevSecOps? Part 02: Automating Verification and Guardrails

May 30, 2022

In this episode

What is DevSecOps? Here’s part two of what I think it is, actual new tools you can use when it comes to verifying/trusting what’s in your apps and putting out guardrails for developers. Plus, some repaving for you 3 R’s OGs.

Read about the other two parts, and more details here: https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/devops-vs-devsecops?utm_campaign=devrel&utm_source=cote&utm_content=VideoSeries02_SSC