Tanzu Talk

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Tanzu Talk: revisiting kubernetes is not for developers

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9:31 AM UTC on Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tanzu Talk: revisiting kubernetes is not for developers

Tanzu Talk: revisiting kubernetes is not for developers

May 24, 2022

In this episode

Coté updates his kubernetes talk for the upcoming Java Day Istanbul.

Links mentioned:

Java Day Istanbul, May 28th, 2022: https://www.javaday.istanbul

The talk at DevOops 2022: https://youtu.be/wJfFHKoF4Fs

Analysis of our State of Kubernetes Survey 2022: https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/state-of-kubernetes-2022?utm_source=cote&utm_medium=presentations&utm_content=k8s4devs&utm_campaign=devrel