Tanzu Talk

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Tanzu Talk: What Software Developers Need

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1:02 PM UTC on Thursday, Mar 03, 2022

Tanzu Talk: What Software Developers Need

Tanzu Talk: What Software Developers Need

Mar 3, 2022

In this episode

Despite programmers dislike of the phrase, some people call it a “software factory.” Whatever it is, if you’re transforming how your organization does software, focus on building out all the tools and cloud infrastructure your developers need and leave the programming to them. To get started, check out:

The Tanzu Application Platform, our development platform for kubernetes:


The Tanzu Community Edition, our free and open source kubernetes distro: https://tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu/community?utm_source=cote&utm_medium=youtube&utm_content=softwarefactory&utm_campaign=devrel