Tanzu Talk

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Tanzu Talk: Addressing infrastructure debt, start with small apps

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1:09 PM UTC on Thursday, Oct 01, 2020

Tanzu Talk: Addressing infrastructure debt, start with small apps

Tanzu Talk: Addressing infrastructure debt, start with small apps

Oct 1, 2020

In this episode

The best approach to modernizing your infrastructure is to start modernization with several small applications, not lengthy platform switch-overs. As Coté discusses, most organizations want to do huge, all at once change when it comes to putting in new platforms. This misses the chance to validate their requirements and needs by starting with developers. So, don’t do that: start small.

Coté also summerizes some of the VMware Tanzu talks from VMworld 2020, including Dormains reccomendation for the most important problem to solve for developers.