Explore what’s new in Spring and get your questions answered
Jun 20, 2023
Join DaShaun and special guests Josh Long, and Glenn Renfro, as they explore what’s new in the world of Spring. This is your chance to stay connected to what’s happening with the Spring Framework, related projects, and the community. In this episode we will look at ‘scaling to zero’ with Spring, and answer any questions you might have.
Josh (@starbuxman) became the first Spring Developer Advocate in 2010 and hasn’t looked back! He contributes (bugs, mostly..) to numerous open source projects, including Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
As a VMware engineer, Glenn Renfro is a core committer for Spring Cloud Task, Spring Batch, and Spring Cloud Data Flow. He has 14 years of experience in designing, building, and delivering enterprise-level applications in Java and 21 years total of software development experience.
DaShaun is a husband, father of four, volunteer, struggling athlete and Spring Developer Advocate at VMware Tanzu. Deliberately practicing to build, manage, and run, better software, faster.