Explore what’s new in Spring and get your questions answered
Jan 3, 2023
In this episode, Dan Vega and DaShaun Carter recap 2022. They answer questions about Spring Integration, metrics, the data transfer object (DTO) pattern, Spring Security, AOT processing, and Spring Cloud Config. Dan covers JEE 9 vs JEE 10 and the move to Jakarta, and DaShaun answers questions about GraalVM support. They also make some predictions for the Spring ecosystem in 2023.
DaShaun is a husband, father of four, volunteer, struggling athlete and Spring Developer Advocate at VMware Tanzu. Deliberately practicing to build, manage, and run, better software, faster.
Dan Vega is a Spring Developer Advocate at VMware Tanzu. He has been developing software for the web for over 20 years and his superpower is problem-solving. Dan is a blogger, YouTuber, course creator, and speaker. He is a lifelong learner and his passion is sharing his knowledge with the developer community. Dan lives near Cleveland Ohio with his beautiful wife and 2 daughters. When he isn’t writing code or teaching he enjoys spending time with his family, lifting weights, running, or reading a good book.