Spring Office Hours

Explore what’s new in Spring and get your questions answered

Episode: 09

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3:00 PM UTC on Thursday, Jul 21, 2022

Episode: 09

Episode: 09

Jul 21, 2022

In this episode

It’s 10 pm, do you know where your relational data store is?

When people build apps and need a data persistence solution, they reach for a relational one over 80% of the time. So when a developer come to Spring, imagine their reaction when they see these choices:

  • JDBC Template
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Data JDBC
  • R2DBC Template
  • Spring Data R2DBC

What is a developer to do? Tune in to hear Spring Data JPA project lead Greg Turnquist talk about the role each of these vital pieces of the Spring portfolio plays and how to choose which one to use in your next (or current) project


Greg Turnquist

Greg Turnquist

Greg is a test-bitten script junky. He is a member of the Spring Data team at VMware. He works on Spring Data JPA, Spring HATEOAS, Spring Data REST, and Spring Boot. He launched the Nashville JUG in 2010. He has written many books (including Packt’s best-seller “Learning Spring Boot”) and is the host of Spring Boot Learning, the YouTube channel where you learn about Spring Boot and have fun doing it (https://youtube.


Dan Vega

Dan Vega

Dan Vega is a Spring Developer Advocate at VMware Tanzu. He has been developing software for the web for over 20 years and his superpower is problem-solving. Dan is a blogger, YouTuber, course creator, and speaker. He is a lifelong learner and his passion is sharing his knowledge with the developer community. Dan lives near Cleveland Ohio with his beautiful wife and 2 daughters. When he isn’t writing code or teaching he enjoys spending time with his family, lifting weights, running, or reading a good book.

DaShaun Carter

DaShaun Carter

DaShaun is a husband, father of four, volunteer, struggling athlete and Spring Developer Advocate at VMware Tanzu. Deliberately practicing to build, manage, and run, better software, faster.