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Spring Tools 4 - Bootiful Spring Tooling for the Masses

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8:29 PM UTC on Monday, Apr 06, 2020

Spring Tools 4 - Bootiful Spring Tooling for the Masses

Spring Tools 4 - Bootiful Spring Tooling for the Masses

Apr 6, 2020

In this episode

This hands-on live-coding session will show you how to use Spring Tools 4 to be super productive when working on Spring Boot 2 applications. We will demonstrate all the additional help to create, understand, and navigate your Spring code, including super fast navigation across Spring definitions, deep understanding of your Spring code, and more. We will dive into the details of how information from live running Spring Boot 2 apps will appear directly in your source code to provide unique insights into your running application. You will see why Spring beans are(n’t) being created and where they are being injected (including navigation), available URL routes from running apps, and more. The live-coding will be done using a mixture of clients, ranging from Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse to Visual Studio Code, including support for up to Java 13, and useful features of the tooling to make every attendee more productive implementing applications on top of Spring (Boot).