The Talking Application: Giving Your Spring Applications a Voice with Alexa

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6:00 PM UTC on Thursday, Jul 13, 2023

The Talking Application: Giving Your Spring Applications a Voice with Alexa

The Talking Application: Giving Your Spring Applications a Voice with Alexa

Jul 13, 2023

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There are many ways that users can interact with an application, including keyboards, mice, and touch screens. But one newcomer to the UI arena—voice—offers a hands-free, natural option for users to speak to applications and hear responses spoken back. Indeed, conversational and ambient user interfaces offer unique opportunities that hands-on interfaces can’t match.

Creating voice experiences for Spring applications is in many ways much the same as developing traditional user interfaces with popular JavaScript frameworks or desktop technologies. Even so, there are some specific factors that go into designing a voice interface for a Spring backend.

In this session, we’ll look at how to create a simple voice user interface for Alexa. We’ll then make it the voice of a Spring application, seeing how to design our APIs and implement security to support a voice frontend. Along the way, we’ll consider what makes a compelling voice experience for any application.


Craig Walls

Craig Walls

Craig Walls is a software engineer with VMware and is the author of Spring in Action, Spring Boot in Action, and Build Talking Apps. He’s a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring. When he’s not slinging code, Craig is planning his next trip to Disney World or Disneyland and spending as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 1 bird and 3 dogs.