How to Escape the Legacy Trap: A Proven Strategy for Application Modernization

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6:00 PM UTC on Thursday, May 11, 2023

How to Escape the Legacy Trap: A Proven Strategy for Application Modernization

How to Escape the Legacy Trap: A Proven Strategy for Application Modernization

May 11, 2023

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Sadly, older applications and services too often slow down business innovation, usually stopping innovation completely. Indeed, 76% of executives said they are too invested in legacy applications to change. They’re caught in the legacy trap! The older your IT, the more it will cost in money and time to evolve. Organizations simply can’t figure out how to prioritize this invisible work over adding new features and apps. The fix is to reorient how you prioritize modernization work from a technical perspective to a business perspective. An application modernization strategy that focuses on business capabilities delivered will fare better than a strategy that focuses on “fixing the old stuff.” This talk will cover the business-driven methodology that many organizations have used to escape the legacy trap, based on actual customer stories and years of experience from our team.


Marc Zottner

Marc Zottner

Over the past sixteen years, Marc has spent most of his time supporting large companies to modernize their strategic applications at scale. At VMware Tanzu Labs, he is the global application modernization lead. Former transformation program lead, consulting architect, middleware specialist, and trainer, Marc has extensive experience in the application ecosystem. Transformation, security, platform, open-source, and architecture are his favorite topics.

Michael Coté

Michael Coté

Michael Coté studies how large organizations get better at building software to run better and grow their business. His books Changing Mindsets, Monolithic Transformation, and The Business Bottleneck cover these topics. He’s been an industry analyst at RedMonk and 451 Research, done corporate strategy and M&A, and was a programmer. He also co-hosts several podcasts, including Software Defined Talk. Cf., and is @cote on Twitter. Texas Forever!