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Automated Refactoring for Spring-Based Applications

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6:00 PM UTC on Thursday, Apr 20, 2023

Automated Refactoring for Spring-Based Applications

Automated Refactoring for Spring-Based Applications

Apr 20, 2023

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This talk will focus on how engineering teams can leverage automated refactoring originated at Netflix to greatly reduce the time and effort required to migrate to new versions of Spring and Spring Boot.

OpenRewrite is an open source ecosystem that specializes in mass, automated refactoring with a bench-strength in Java source code, Maven build files, XML, YAML, and property files. We’ll discuss the technology behind automated code migration, how the ecosystem delivers composable, prepackaged recipes that can be used to automate common framework migration, and how these recipes can be integrated into both Maven and Gradle builds.

This talk will include some live demonstrations of automated migrations on real-world Java applications and libraries.


Jonathan Schneider

Jonathan Schneider

Jonathan is co-founder and CEO at Moderne, the pioneer of continuous software modernization at enterprise scale. He founded OpenRewrite, an auto-refactoring tool, at Netflix and went on to found the Micrometer project as a member of the Spring Team. He also is the author of “SRE with Java Microservices” (O’Reilly). He is an Army veteran and two-time bronze star recipient.


Cora Iberkleid

Cora Iberkleid

Cora Iberkleid is a Developer Advocate for Modern Applications at VMware Tanzu, helping developers and enterprises navigate modern practices and technologies, focusing on cloud native architecture, modern CI/CD, Spring, and Kubernetes.

Prior to joining VMware, Cora was an Advisory Solutions Engineer at Pivotal. She also spent nearly a decade at Sun Microsystems and Oracle, helping customers design and build enterprise integration applications. Through this experience, she developed an understanding and empathy for complex organizational challenges, and she strives to incorporate this empathy into her everyday work.