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Why You Don't Need to Worry About Scaling Your Spring Web App

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7:00 PM UTC on Thursday, Mar 02, 2023

Why You Don't Need to Worry About Scaling Your Spring Web App

Why You Don't Need to Worry About Scaling Your Spring Web App

Mar 2, 2023

In this episode

When writing a new Spring web app, teams often have some nagging scaling doubts:

  • How many users can my app simultaneously handle?
  • How fast will my @RestControllers dash out those JSON responses?
  • How much memory, CPU, or I/O does my application need?
  • How much money do I need to spend on hosting?
Surprisingly, there's very little advice out there on how to sensibly approach these questions in a practical way—apart from simply autoscaling random Kubernetes pods into oblivion.

In this #almostnoslides session, we’re going to use an IDE, a pen tablet, and a few libraries to get a deep, practical understanding of the following:

  • Throughput and latency: How to (reliably) find out how many users your Spring app can handle
  • CPU/memory/IO: How much (or how little) your app actually needs
  • Hosting: What server your app needs

By the end of this talk, you’ll have learned solid load-testing processes and skills that make you never worry about scaling your Spring web apps again.


Marco Behler

Marco Behler

Marco works as a developer advocate at JetBrains, in Munich, Germany. He loves to share everything he knows about writing and building awesome software—knowledge he acquired from a decade of consulting in the Java and Spring ecosystems—through guides, tweets, books and talks.


Cora Iberkleid

Cora Iberkleid

Cora Iberkleid is a Developer Advocate for Modern Applications at VMware Tanzu, helping developers and enterprises navigate modern practices and technologies, focusing on cloud native architecture, modern CI/CD, Spring, and Kubernetes.

Prior to joining VMware, Cora was an Advisory Solutions Engineer at Pivotal. She also spent nearly a decade at Sun Microsystems and Oracle, helping customers design and build enterprise integration applications. Through this experience, she developed an understanding and empathy for complex organizational challenges, and she strives to incorporate this empathy into her everyday work.