Learn CNCF projects with Whitney and her lightboard ⚡️
Jan 25, 2024
Confidential Containers allows users to run sensitive cloud native workloads in an untrusted cloud. We’ll explore how this is possible and how you can use the project with your own workloads.
Tobin Feldman-Fitzthum is a Software Engineer at the T.J. Watson IBM Research Center. His focus is secure virtualization and confidential computing. After working on live migration, encrypted disk images, and remote attestation for confidential VMs, Tobin helped found the Confidential Containers project and helped establish it as a CNCF sandbox project.
Whitney is a lovable goofball who enjoys understanding and using tools in the cloud native landscape. Creative and driven, Whitney recently pivoted from an art-related career to one in tech. She is a CNCF Ambassador and active in the open source community. You can catch her lightboard streaming show ⚡️ Enlightning on Tanzu.TV. And not only does she rock at tech - she literally has toured playing in the band Mutual Benefit on keyboards and vocals.