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# Configuring it all out with Josh Long

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7:00 PM UTC on Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021

# Configuring it all out with Josh Long

# Configuring it all out with Josh Long

Sep 22, 2021

In this episode

Configuration is a loaded word these days. It refers to - among other things - the wiring of your objects and the various environment-specific attributes that inform the runtime behavior of your applications. And we’ve talked about all sorts of configuration before. So imagine my surprise when I got a few different, completely unrelated inquiries about even more kinds of configuration! So, join me, and we’ll configure it all out, together.


Josh Long

Josh Long

Josh (@starbuxman) became the first Spring Developer Advocate in 2010 and hasn’t looked back! He contributes (bugs, mostly..) to numerous open source projects, including Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.