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Deploy a Distributed System

VMware Tanzu Labs

In this lab you will see an evolution of the pal-tracker codebase, structured according to the principles described in the App Continuum. You will then use GitHub Actions to deploy that system of four applications to Tanzu Application Service.

Learning outcomes

After completing the lab, you will be able to:

  • Outline the reasons to keep the source code for multiple applications under one repository
  • Explain the directory structure and dependencies defined in the build files
  • Describe how to run a microservice application locally
  • Use an HTTP client to manually test API endpoints
  • Explain how to configure CI to test and deploy multiple applications
  • Outline the reasons to deploy all the applications at the same time

Get started

  1. Prepare a new pal-tracker-distributed codebase by following the introduction codebase preparation steps 3 and 4 using the pal-tracker-distributed codebase link.

  2. Prepare a new remote GitHub repository for your pal-tracker-distributed codebase according to the Introduction lab instructions.

  3. Prepare new GitHub repository secrets for your pal-tracker-distributed codebase according to the Pipelines lab instructions.

  4. Review the Overview slides. These provide a view of the main elements of the new system and how they interact.

Set up services

You will now create databases for your applications. You create them now because the MySQL service instances take time to provision.

Create a MySQL service instance for each application. Call them tracker-allocations-database, tracker-backlog-database, tracker-registration-database and tracker-timesheets-database.

Explore the codebase

Open the code in your IDE and take a look around. Make sure that the project is set up to use Java 11.

Pay special attention to the new directory structure of your codebase.

├── applications
│   ├── allocations-server
│   ├── backlog-server
│   ├── registration-server
│   └── timesheets-server
├── components
│   ├── accounts
│   ├── allocations
│   ├── backlog
│   ├── projects
│   ├── rest-support
│   ├── test-support
│   ├── timesheets
│   └── users
├── databases
│   ├── allocations-database
│   ├── backlog-database
│   ├── registration-database
│   └── timesheets-database
├── integration-test
└── buildSrc
  • The applications directory contains four Spring Boot applications.
  • The components directory contains components of the application domains and support libraries.
  • The databases directory contains migration information for the different database schemas.
  • The buildSrc directory is a standard Gradle directory that gets built before the rest of the build is loaded. This is where code for some custom Gradle plugins is stored.

A note on other tags

You may see that the pal-tracker-distributed codebase contains a number of tags for code versions that are not referenced in these materials. They are used in other materials beyond the current scope of this learning path.

Explore locally


First, make sure that you can test and build the project locally. Create the databases, migrate, then run the build.

mysql -uroot < databases/create_databases.sql
./gradlew devMigrate testMigrate
./gradlew clean build

You will notice that there unit tests for each of the components as well as basic tests for individual applications. However, there are also a set of integration tests that exercise all of the microservices, working together. This ability to test the system as a whole is greatly helped by having all the code, for all applications, together in a single repository. It also makes it easier to extract and share common code.


Next, make sure that you can run the project locally.

You can run each application individually in a separate terminal window by targeting the bootRun task for a specific Gradle subproject. For example, you can run the registration service with the following command:

./gradlew applications:registration-server:bootRun

Managing many terminal windows can be cumbersome, so you can use the Gradle parallel execution feature to make things a bit easier. The following command finds all bootRun tasks in a Gradle project and executes them in parallel.

./gradlew bootRun --parallel

Beware that running all applications in parallel will send the log output of all applications to the same terminal, which can make debugging difficult. Also, pressing Ctrl+C will interrupt all applications at once. If you need to stop one application you can use the JVM process status tool to list Java processes by running:

jps -l

You can then find the process ID of the specific application and stop just that one.

Exercise endpoints

Exercise the curl commands below to make sure that you understand the system. Keep these commands handy, as they will be useful to test your system in future labs.

Note that (on UNIX/Linux) if you define shell variables USER_ID, PROJECT_ID and ACCOUNT_ID with the values that you receive back at different stages then you will be able to cut and paste these commands directly. For example, the first curl command will produce something like this:

{"id":1,"name":"Pete","info":"registration info"}

From this you can see that the generated user ID is 1, and you can then set the shell variable USER_ID as follows:



curl -v -XPOST -H"Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8083/registration -d'{"name": "Pete"}'
curl -v localhost:8083/users/${USER_ID}


curl -v localhost:8083/accounts?ownerId=${USER_ID}


curl -v -XPOST -H"Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8083/projects -d"{\"name\": \"Basket Weaving\", \"accountId\": ${ACCOUNT_ID}}"
curl -v localhost:8083/projects?accountId=${ACCOUNT_ID}


curl -v -XPOST -H"Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8081/allocations -d"{\"projectId\": ${PROJECT_ID}, \"userId\": ${USER_ID}, \"firstDay\": \"2015-05-17\", \"lastDay\": \"2015-05-18\"}"
curl -v localhost:8081/allocations?projectId=${PROJECT_ID}


curl -v -XPOST -H"Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8082/stories -d"{\"projectId\": ${PROJECT_ID}, \"name\": \"Find some reeds\"}"
curl -v localhost:8082/stories?projectId=${PROJECT_ID}

Time Entries

curl -v -XPOST -H"Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8084/time-entries/ -d"{\"projectId\": ${PROJECT_ID}, \"userId\": ${USER_ID}, \"date\": \"2015-05-17\", \"hours\": 6}"
curl -v localhost:8084/time-entries?userId=${USER_ID}

Set up GitHub Actions for continuous integration

Get the pipeline

You are provided a pipeline file as part of the pipeline tag.

Cherry-pick this into your pal-tracker-distributed workspace:

git cherry-pick pipeline

Your new .github/workflows/pipeline.yml file configures the pipeline to build all four applications, deploy them to Tanzu Application Service, and migrate all four databases.

Take a few minutes to review the pipeline. Notice the build-and-publish and migrate-databases jobs method of executing the Flyway migrations. Take a look at the buildSrc project and associated Gradle migration tasks.

Confirm service creation

Confirm that all of the MySQL instances you created earlier have been fully provisioned using the cf services or cf service command. The instances will be bound via an entry in the manifest.

Choose routes

The root directory contains a deployment manifest for each application in our distributed system. Familiarize yourself with a manifest, below.

git show pipeline:manifest-allocations.yml

Each application needs a unique route so that it does not collide with other people’s applications.

  1. Replace the ${UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER} and ${DOMAIN} placeholders in the route value in each manifest to make it unique. Follow the same approach used for pal-tracker, as described in the Route Naming guide.

  2. Once you have chosen routes, update the value for REGISTRATION_SERVER_ENDPOINT in each manifest. You are given the following configuration in the manifest files:


    You need to fill-in the proper route instead of the placeholder ${REGISTRATION_SERVER_ROUTE}.

  3. Commit your changes and push them to GitHub.

    This will trigger a build on GitHub Actions, given that you have added the workflow pipeline. Expect the build and deploy to succeed this time.

  4. For each application, visit its root page on Tanzu Application Service and test manually. Each one should display Noop!.

  5. Manually trigger a few requests to the various controllers to verify that the applications are working as expected.

    The allocations, backlog, and timesheets applications all integrate with the registration application, so make sure to exercise API endpoints that integrate with registration.

You will note that a code change to any part of the codebase will cause all of the applications to be rebuilt, tested and pushed to Tanzu Application Service. This means that you have the highest degree of confidence that all the microservices will continue to work together, without having to worry about issues such as API compatibility between different deployed versions.

Wrap up

Now that you have completed the lab, you should be able to:

  • Outline the reasons to keep the source code for multiple applications under one repository
  • Explain the directory structure and dependencies defined in the build files
  • Describe how to run a microservice application locally
  • Use an HTTP client to manually test API endpoints
  • Explain how to configure CI to test and deploy multiple applications
  • Outline the reasons to deploy all the applications at the same time


If you have additional time, run a few requests that will test the limits of your distributed system.

In a Bash shell you can use the siege command to generate many requests. First, generate some data with the curl commands in the run section. Next, create a urls.txt file with the following content:


Run the following command to generate lots of traffic:

siege -c255 -f urls.txt

Play around with stopping, scaling, and starting your applications to see what effect these actions have on your generated traffic and response times.