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Logging Requests and Responses in Spring Boot Applications

Marc Zottner

Logging is essential for monitoring and troubleshooting running applications. This guide explains how to utilize logback to collect full request/response payloads in a Spring Boot application.

Getting Started

To begin, you create a Maven Project Object Model to enable logback. A Project Object Model or POM is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details. Below is a sample specifying the required dependencies.


Next create a logback-access.xml under src/main/resources.You can change the fields displayed in an access log. For a full list of available fields refer to the logback documentation.

	<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        	<pattern>logging uri: %requestURL | status code: %statusCode | bytes: %bytesSent | elapsed time: %elapsedTime | request-log: %magenta(%requestContent) | response-log: %cyan(%responseContent)</pattern>
	<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>

Capturing Request/Response

It is often useful to capture both the client’s request and the server’s response when diagnosing bugs. The TeeFilter servlet filter accomplishes this.

import ch.qos.logback.access.servlet.TeeFilter;

public class FilterConfiguration {

	public FilterRegistrationBean requestResponseFilter() {

    	final FilterRegistrationBean filterRegBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
    	TeeFilter filter = new TeeFilter();
    	filterRegBean.setName("Request Response Filter");
    	return filterRegBean;

Once this is configured, every request/response payload is logged to your default appender.

Enabling or Disabling Logging

There are potential impacts to application performance when this filter is activated. Every request/response payload is copied to an in-memory buffer, creating additional garbage collection and CPU overhead. To reduce overhead or to avoid logging sensitive data, add the following to your to deactivate access logging by default:


Keep Learning

You can find out more by reading the Spring Boot documentation on logging or the full logback manual.

Logging has three elements: collection, indexing, and visualization. This guide explains the first element, collection. For indexing and visualization, there’s a wide ecosystem of open-source technologies that can be used. For example, the “EFK stack” (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana) is popular for solving this problem.

Two open-source tools that help with logging and visualization are Prometheus and Grafana. Prometheus excels at gathering metrics from a wide array of sources, while Grafana is the go-to tool for visualizing complex time-series data. The following guides explain how to use these tools in Kubernetes environments:

Spring Boot also provides health checks for application monitoring in addition to logging. Learn how to enable health checks using Spring Boot Actuator.