Workload Identity

This document details the philosophy and methods for providing workload identity in a Kubernetes cluster. It covers architectural considerations, tooling integrations, and best practices. This document represents how the VMware field team approaches workload identity in enterprise Kubernetes environments.

Each section covers architectural recommendations and, at times, configuration for each concern. At a high-level, the key recommendations are:

  • Selectors that determine the identity of a workload (image ID, service account, node name etc…) should be scoped as tightly as possible to ensure a strong guarantee of unique identity.
  • Identity-providing systems should be able to easily rotate and revoke granted identities in the case of compromise.
  • Prefer integrating identity solutions into a service mesh or sidecar to avoid tightly-coupling identity into your applications.
  • Ensure you understand the security model (including the blast radius of a compromise at any level) of your identity provider. Develop and test a contingency strategy should credentials be compromised at different points.
  • Avoid using network primitives (IP addresses, etc…) as identities.
  • Understand the domains throughout which identity has to be proved (single / multi-cluster, single / multi-cloud, Kubernetes / non-Kubernetes, etc…).

Identity and Authentication

Authentication vs Authorization

Authentication is the process of establishing the identity of an application or user. This is primarily the focus of this guide.

Authorization is the process of determining what actions an application or user are able to do, after they have been authenticated.

Establishing identity (usually for the purposes of authentication) is a key requirement of almost every distributed system. In this context ‘identity’ means a verifiable, unique (within the desired scope), set of information that can be used to identify an actor (this guide focuses on use cases where the actor is an application, rather than a user). Examples are username / password combinations, certificates, tokens, and more.

Establishing the identity of an actor is important so that you can make decisions about whether the actor is allowed access to a system, what actions they can take and what data they have access to (broadly, authorization).

Authentication Methods

There are a number of different authentication methods in wide use. All have different properties, advantages and disadvantages. Some are cross-platform (or platform-agnostic), some are integrated with specific platforms. In addition to providing identity, some of the methods described may also provide encryption. For example, the CSR flow used by Kubernetes provides certificates that could be used in a Mutual TLS (mTLS) flow. However, encryption is not the focus of this guide and that is an incidental benefit of those methods of identity grants.

Shared Secrets

A shared secret is a unique piece (or set) of information that is held by the calling application and the server. For example, when an application needs to connect to a MySQL database, it can use a username and password combination to authenticate. This method necessitates that both parties have access to that combination in some form. You must create an entry in MySQL with that information, and then distribute the secret to any calling application that may need it.

You also need a way to easily rotate secret credentials in the case of a compromise. Again you need to ensure that secrets are distributed to all calling applications and kept in sync. There are many secret stores (HashiCorp Vault is a prominent and mature example) that offer integrations that get close to this goal however these still have the initial secure introduction problem.

The secure introduction problem is the issue that is faced when initially bootstrapping application access to a secret store. Once the authenticated communication is established, you have no problems refreshing / rotating and so on. However, how does the application authenticate to the secret store initially?

In the example below, the backend application holds a database of authorized credentials. However, you need to distribute a set of credentials to the frontend application in order for a connection to be established.

Shared Secrets


  • Well-understood and supported pattern by almost all applications & platforms.


  • Suffers from the secure introduction problem.
  • Keeping track of, rotating and revoking credentials is challenging, especially in large environments.

Shared secrets should only be used in conjunction with a robust secret store / platform, and additional tooling / approaches are required to bootstrap the initial connection between applications requesting identity / credentials and the secrets store.

‘Traditional’ Network Primitives

Network primitives like IP addresses, VPNs, firewalls, etc… have historically been used as a form of identity for restricting which applications have access to what services. However in a cloud-native ecosystem these methods are breaking down.

Multiple workloads are now sharing networking stacks and underlying machines. Workloads are increasingly ephemeral and move between nodes often. This results in a constant churn of IP addresses and network changes.

In a multi-cloud and API-driven world, the network is no longer a primary boundary in many systems, with calls to external services across multiple providers, each of which may need a way to prove identity of our calling applications (and vice versa).

Existing traditional (platform level) network primitives (host IP addresses, firewalls, etc…) are no longer suitable for establishing workload identity and if used at all should be only as an additional layer of defense in depth. This is not to say that network primitives in general are bad, but that they must have additional workload context to be effective. This guide covers these scenarios in more detail in the CNI section below.

Platform Mediated Node Identity

In cases where all workloads are running on a homogenous platform (for example, AWS), it is possible for the platform itself to determine and assign identities to workloads because of the contextual metadata they possess about the workload.

Identity is not asserted by the workload itself but determined based on its properties by an out-of-band provider. The provider returns the workload a credential to prove identity that may be used to communicate with other services on the platform. It then becomes trivial for the other services to verify that credential as they too are on the same underlying platform.

On AWS, an EC2 instance may request credentials to connect to a different service like an S3 bucket. The AWS platform inspects the metadata of the instance, and can provide role-specific credentials back to the instance with which to make the connection.

Note that the platform still has to perform Authorization on the request to ensure that the identity being used has the appropriate permissions. This method is only being used to Authenticate the request.

Platform Mediated Identity


  • Transparent to end users.
  • Tight integration with the platform (AWS, GCP, etc…).


  • Requires all workloads to be running on the same platform.
  • Granularity of identifying metadata may not match granularity of workloads (see AWS section below).

Kubernetes Identity Primitives / Methods

Kubernetes has several primitives built into the platform to provide identity, all with varying degrees of guarantees, complexity and versatility.

Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)

Any entity with appropriate RBAC permissions can submit a certificate signing request (containing metadata to be encoded into a x509 certificate) to a Kubernetes cluster. A user (or automated tooling) then approves or denies the request. If the request is approved, a certificate signed by the Kubernetes CA is created and made available for retrieval. This certificate can then be used in a TLS flow.

Note that in order for the CSR flow to function correctly the controller-manager needs to be configured with the --cluster-signing-cert-file and --cluster-signing-key-file parameters as shown below. The CA does not have to be the Kubernetes CA, however if you choose to use a different one then it is your responsibility to make the CA available to applications, for example by publishing it in a config map.

    - command:
        - kube-controller-manager
        - --cluster-signing-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
        - --cluster-signing-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key
      # Additional flags removed for brevity

Firstly the application needs to create (or utilize an existing) private key and create a CSR. The example shows using openssl to create this, but libraries exist for programmatic creation.

openssl req -new -key my-app.key -out my-app.csr -subj "/CN=my-application"

Next you need to apply a CSR object into the cluster that utilizes the created my-app.csr file above. Below is an example of the request as a YAML object, but this could (and probably would, in an automated flow) be applied programmatically via the Kubernetes API.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: CertificateSigningRequest
  name: my-app
  request: $(cat my-app.csr | base64 | tr -d '\n')
  - client auth

This creates a CSR object in Kubernetes in a pending state, awaiting approval.

(⎈ kubernetes) $ kubectl get csr
NAME     AGE   REQUESTOR                               CONDITION
my-app   17h   system:serviceaccount:default:default   Pending

This CSR object contains the (base64-encoded) signing request and the username of the requestor. If using a service account token to authenticate to the Kubernetes API (as a Pod would in an automated flow) then the username will be the service account name.

kind: CertificateSigningRequest
  name: my-app
    - system:serviceaccounts
    - system:serviceaccounts:default
    - system:authenticated
    - client auth
  username: system:serviceaccount:default:default
status: {}

In this flow, a Kubernetes platform operator is responsible for ensuring that the certificate should be granted, based on the metadata contained within the request and the username / service account of the requestor. Once approved, the requestor can retrieve the certificate (in the status field of the CSR) and use it (in conjunction with their private key) in TLS communications.

kind: CertificateSigningRequest
  name: my-app
# Additional fields removed for brevity
    - lastUpdateTime: "2020-03-04T15:45:30Z"
      message: This CSR was approved by kubectl certificate approve.
      reason: KubectlApprove
      type: Approved

In this example, other applications within the cluster can use the Kubernetes CA that is mounted into each Pod to verify a presented certificate to establish the identity of the calling application. As noted above, if you are not using the Kubernetes CA as a root for CSRs, the CA must be made available to all applications that require the ability to verify provided certificates.

Kubernetes CSR


  • Tight integration with the platform (Kubernetes).
  • Flexible, supports a wide range of key usages (signing, client, server, etc…).
  • Provides identity in a well-understood and consumable format (x509).


  • Requires manual intervention or development of additional tooling to verify and approve certificate requests.
  • Impossible to revoke certificates in the case of compromise. This could be mitigated by using certificates with short TTLs but would require additional logic to keep requesting new certs.
  • Only works with services running on a single Kubernetes cluster.

Service Account Tokens (SAT)

Service Accounts & Tokens

Service Accounts are primitives in Kubernetes that provide identity for groups of pods. Every pod runs under a service account. If a service account is not pre-created by an administrator and assigned to a pod, they are assigned a default service account for the namespace they reside in.

Service account tokens are JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that are created as Kubernetes secrets when a service account is created (including the default service account). Unless otherwise specified, these tokens are mounted into each pod running under that service account and can be used to make requests to the Kubernetes API (and as this section shows, other services).

Kubernetes Service Accounts provide a way of assigning identity to a set of workloads. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) rules then can be applied within the cluster to limit the scope of access for a specific service account. Service accounts are the way that Kubernetes itself usually authenticates in-cluster access to the API.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: default
  namespace: default
  - name: default-token-mf9v2

When a service account is created, an associated Secret is also created containing a unique JWT identifying the account.

apiVersion: v1
  namespace: ZGVmYXVsdA==
kind: Secret
  annotations: default 59aee446-b36e-420f-99eb-a68895084c98
  name: default-token-mf9v2
  namespace: default

By default, Pods will automatically get the default service account token for their namespace mounted if they do not specify a specific service account to use. This can (and should) be disabled to ensure that all service account tokens are explicitly mounted to Pods and their access scopes are well understood and defined (rather than falling back and assuming a default).

To specify a service account for a Pod, use the serviceAccountName field in the Pod spec:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  serviceAccountName: my-pod-sa
# Additional fields removed for brevity

This will cause the service account’s Secret (containing the token) to be mounted into the Pod at /var/run/secrets/ The application can retrieve the token and use it in a request to other applications / services in the cluster.

The destination application can verify the provided token by calling the Kubernetes TokenReview API:

curl -X "POST" "https://{kubernetes API IP}:{kubernetes API Port}/apis/" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer {application bearer token}' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{
  "kind": "TokenReview",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "spec": {
    "token": "{token to verify}"

The Kubernetes API will respond with metadata about the token to be verified, in addition to whether or not it has been authenticated.

  "kind": "TokenReview",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "metadata": {
    "creationTimestamp": null
  "spec": {
    "token": "<token to verify>"
  "status": {
    "authenticated": true,
    "user": {
      "username": "system:serviceaccount:default:default",
      "uid": "4afdf4d0-46d2-11e9-8716-005056bf4b40",
      "groups": [

Service Account Token


  • Tight integration with the platform (Kubernetes).
  • Provides identity in a well-understood and consumable format (JWT).
  • Invalidated once the service account / Secret is deleted.


  • Tokens do not have a TTL and not expire (unless the service account / Secret is deleted).
  • Tokens are scoped to the service account so are not a good unique way of identifying either a Pod or a container.
  • Additional functionality must be added to applications to be aware of and verify Kubernetes tokens.
  • Tokens are persisted in the Kubernetes Secrets API and must have access to them restricted.
  • Only works with services running on a single Kubernetes cluster.
Service Account Best Practices

To ensure that permissions can be granted to applications in an appropriately granular way, unique service accounts should be created for each workload that requires access to the Kubernetes API server.

Additionally, if a workload does not require access to the Kubernetes API server, disable the mounting of a service account token by specifying the automountServiceAccountToken: false field on either the ServiceAccount or Pod objects. Note that the Pod field takes precedence if both are set.

Projected Service Account Tokens (PSAT)

Beginning with Kubernetes v1.12 there is an additional method of identity available that builds on the ideas in Service Account Tokens but seeks to address some of the weaknesses (such as lack of TTL, wide scoping and persistence).

Note that in order for the PSAT flow to function correctly the API server needs to be configured with the parameter keys shown below (all are configurable though).

    - command:
        - kube-apiserver
        - --service-account-signing-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/sa.key
        - --service-account-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/
        - --service-account-issuer=api
        - --service-account-api-audiences=api
      # Additional flags removed for brevity

The flow for establishing and verifying identity is similar to the SAT method. However instead of having our Pod / application read the auto-mounted service account token, you instead mount a projected service account token as a volume. This also injects a token into the Pod, but you can specify a TTL and custom audience for the token.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test
    app: test
  serviceAccountName: test
    - name: test
      image: ubuntu:bionic
      command: ["sh", "-c", "echo Hello Kubernetes! && sleep 3600"]
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
          name: app-token
    - name: app-token
          - serviceAccountToken:
              audience: api
              expirationSeconds: 600
              path: app-token

Note that when using PSAT, a designated service account must be created and used. PSAT will not work with the namespace default service accounts.

The calling application can read the projected token and use that in requests within the cluster. Destination applications can verify the token by calling the TokenReview API and passing the received token. With the PSAT method, the review will also verify that the TTL has not expired, and will return additional metadata about the presenting application, including specific Pod information. This provides a tighter scope than regular SATs (which only assert a service account).

// Additional fields removed for brevity
"extra": {
  "": ["test"],
  "": ["8b9bc1be-c71f-4551-aeb9-2759887cbde0"]

As shown below, there is no real difference between the SAT and PSAT flows themselves (aside from the server verifying the audience field), only in the validity and granularity of the identity asserted by the token.

Projected Service Account Tokens


  • Tight integration with the platform (Kubernetes).
  • Provides identity in a well-understood and consumable format (JWT).
  • Invalidated once the service account / Secret is deleted.
  • Scoped to individual Pods.
  • Configurable TTL.
  • Configurable audience.
  • Not persisted in the Kubernetes Secrets API.
  • Tokens are rotated before expiry automatically by the Kubelet (if using projection).


  • Additional functionality must be added to applications to be aware of and verify Kubernetes tokens.
  • Only works with services running on a single Kubernetes cluster.

Container Network Interface (CNI)

Some CNI solutions provide a degree of identity based on a combination of network primitives and metadata they have access to via the Kubernetes API, in addition to combining with other tooling. Deep dives into these CNI technologies are out of scope for this guide and we will only be covering their capabilities as they relate to identity.


Calico provides network policy enforcement at layers 3 & 4, enabling users to restrict communication between Pods based on their namespace and other metadata (labels for example). This enforcement is all enabled by modifying the network configuration iptables / ipvs) to allow / disallow IP addresses.

Calico also supports making policy decisions based on service accounts using a component called Dikastes when used in combination with Envoy proxy (either standalone or part of a service mesh like Istio). This approach enables enforcement at layer 7, based on attributes of the application protocol (headers etc…) and relevant cryptographic identities (certificates, etc…).

Calico and Dikastes

By default, Istio (Envoy) will only perform mTLS and ensure that workloads present certificates signed by the Istio CA (Citadel). Dikastes runs as a sidecar alongside Envoy as a plugin. Envoy verifies the CA before consulting Dikastes for a decision on whether to admit or reject the request. Dikastes makes this decision based on user-defined Calico NetworkPolicy or GlobalNetworkPolicy objects.

kind: GlobalNetworkPolicy
  name: summary
  selector: app == 'summary'
    - action: Allow
          names: ["customer"]
        namespaceSelector: app == 'bank'
    - action: Allow

The above rule is specifying that the policy be applied to any Pods with the label app: summary and restrict access to Pods calling from the customer service account (in namespaces with the label app: bank). This works because the Calico control-plane (the Felix node agent) computes rules by reconciling Pods that are running under a specific service account with their IP addresses and subsequently syncing this information to Dikastes via a Unix socket.

This out-of-band verification is important as it mitigates a potential attack vector in an Istio environment. Istio stores each service account’s PKI assets in a Secret in the cluster. Without this additional verification, an attacker who was able to steal that Secret would be able to masquerade as the asserted service account (by presenting those PKI assets), even though it may not be running as that account.


  • If platforms are already leveraging Calico (either as CNI or only for network policy), Dikastes provides an extra layer of defense in depth.
  • Easy-to-understand syntax / user experience and format (CRDs).
  • Calico and Istio are cross-platform so can be used across Kubernetes and non-Kubernetes environments.


  • Requires platforms to already be using a mesh or proxy solution, this often comes with additional complexity overhead.
  • Adds additional latency into the data plane (Dikastes is consulted on every request).
  • Identity claims are not independently cryptographically verifiable, relying on the mesh to be present with every connected service.


Like Calico, Cilium also provides network policy enforcement at layers 3 & 4, enabling users to restrict communication between Pods based on their namespace and other metadata (labels for example). Cilium also supports (without additional tooling) the ability to apply policy at layer 7 and restrict access to services via service accounts.

Unlike Calico, enforcement in Cilium is not based on IP address (and updating node networking configurations). Instead, Cilium calculates identities for each unique Pod / endpoint (based on a number of selectors) and encodes these identities into each packet. It then enforces whether packets should be allowed based on these identities using BPF kernel hooks at various points in the datapath.

The example below shows the output of listing Cilium endpoints (Pods). The deathstar-657477f57d-zzz65 has one additional label from the other Pods in the Deployment, and is assigned a different identity. All Pods in the Deployment share a namespace, service account and several arbitrary Kubernetes labels.

default       deathstar-657477f57d-jpzgb        1474          1597          true
default       deathstar-657477f57d-knxrl        2151          1597          true
default       deathstar-657477f57d-xw2tr        16            1597          true
default       deathstar-657477f57d-xz2kk        2237          1597          true
default       deathstar-657477f57d-zzz65        1             57962         true

After removing the divergent label, the deathstar-657477f57d-zzz65 Pod is re-assigned the same identity as its peers.

Cilium implements the Kubernetes-native NetworkPolicy API, but like Calico also exposes more fully-featured capabilities in the form of CiliumNetworkPolicy and CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy objects.

apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
  name: "k8s-svc-account"
      io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount: leia
    - fromEndpoints:
        - matchLabels:
            io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount: luke
        - ports:
            - port: "80"
              protocol: TCP
              - method: GET
                path: "/public$"

In the example above, we are using special io.cilium.k8s.policy.* label selectors to target specific service accounts in the cluster. Cilium then uses its registry of identities to restrict / allow access as necessary.


  • Cilium is cross-platform so can be used across Kubernetes and non-Kubernetes environments.
  • No additional solutions besides Cilium are required.
  • Increases the complexity of the network stack (for troubleshooting / debugging, etc…).


  • Identity claims are not independently cryptographically verifiable, relying on Cilium to be present with every connected service.

AWS Platform Identity Methods / Tooling

Note that many cloud vendors expose functionality described in this section. This guide focuses on Amazon Web Services (AWS) because they are most commonly seen in the field and their offerings are the most mature.

AWS provides a strong identity solution at the node level via the EC2 metadata API. This is an example of a platform mediated system, whereby the platform (AWS) is able to determine the identity of a calling entity based on a number of intrinsic properties without the entity asserting any credentials / identity claim itself. The platform can then deliver secure credentials to the instance (in the form of a role, for example) that allows it to access any services defined by the relevant policies.

This model underpins how AWS (and many other vendors) provide secure access to their own cloud services. However with the rise of containers and other multi-tenant application models, this per-node identity / authentication system breaks down and requires additional tooling and alternative approaches.


Avoid this approach

Kube2IAM requires that every node in the cluster be able to assume a superset of all the roles that Pods may require. This security model means that the scope of access provided should a break out occur is potentially huge. For this reason it is strongly advised not to use Kube2IAM.

Kube2IAM is an open source (OSS) tool that acts as a proxy between running workloads and the AWS EC2 metadata API. The architecture is shown below:


Kube2IAM Pods run on every node via a DaemonSet. Each Pod injects an iptables rule to capture outbound traffic to the metadata API and redirect it to the running instance of Kube2IAM on that node.

Pods that want to interact with AWS APIs should specify the role they want to assume as an annotation in the spec:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  replicas: 3
      annotations: <role-arn>
        app: nginx
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx:1.9.1
            - containerPort: 80


Use Caution with this approach

While safer than Kube2IAM, KIAM also introduces a potentially serious security flaw. This section describes a mitigation of the flaw, however you should still use caution and understand the attack vector when using KIAM.

Like Kube2IAM, KIAM is an open source (OSS) tool that acts as a proxy to the AWS EC2 metadata API, although it’s architecture (and as a result, security model) are different / slightly improved.


KIAM has both server and agent components. The agents run as a DaemonSet on every node in the cluster. The server component can (and should) be restricted to the either the control-plane nodes or a subset of cluster nodes. Agents capture EC2 metadata API requests and forward them to the server components to complete the appropriate authentication with AWS. Only the server nodes require access to assume AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles (again, a superset of all roles that Pods may require).


In this model, there should be controls in place to ensure that no workloads are able to run on the server nodes (and thereby obtain unfettered AWS API access). Assumption of roles is achieved (like Kube2IAM) by annotating Pods with the desired role:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  replicas: 3
      annotations: <role-arn>
        app: nginx
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx:1.9.1
            - containerPort: 80

While the security model is better than Kube2IAM, KIAM still has a potential attack vector whereby if a user is able to directly schedule a Pod onto a node (by populating it’s nodeName field, bypassing the Kubernetes scheduler and any potential guards) they would have unrestricted access to the EC2 metadata API.

The mitigation for this issue is to run a mutating or validating admission webhook that ensures the nodeName field is always populated on Pod create & update requests to the Kubernetes API.

KIAM provides a strong story for enabling individual Pods to access AWS APIs, using a model that existing AWS users will be familiar with (role assumption). This is a viable solution in many cases, provided the mitigation above is put in place prior to use.

IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

Recommended approach

Although the setup for IRSA is a little clunky, it possesses the best security model of all approaches to Pod IAM Role assumption.

Since late 2019, AWS has provided a native integration between Kubernetes and IAM called IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA).

At a high level, IRSA exposes a similar experience to KIAM and Kube2IAM, in that users can annotate their Pods with an AWS IAM role they want it to assume. The implementation is very different though, eliminating the security concerns of the earlier approaches.

AWS IAM supports federating identity out to a third-party OIDC provider, in this case the Kubernetes API server. As you saw already with PSATs, Kubernetes is capable of creating and signing short-lived tokens on a per-Pod basis.

AWS IRSA combines these features with an additional credential provider in their SDKs that calls sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, passing the PSAT. The PSAT and desired role need to be injected as environment variables within the Pod (there is a webhook that will do this automatically based on the serviceAccountName if desired).

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Pod
  name: myapp
  serviceAccountName: my-serviceaccount
  - name: myapp
    image: myapp:1.2
    - name: AWS_ROLE_ARN
      value: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/eksctl-irptest-addon-iamsa-default-my-serviceaccount-Role1-UCGG6NDYZ3UE
      value: /var/run/secrets/
    - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
        name: aws-iam-token
        readOnly: true
  - name: aws-iam-token
      defaultMode: 420
      - serviceAccountToken:
          expirationSeconds: 86400
          path: token

Kubernetes does not natively expose a .well-known OIDC endpoint, so there is some additional work required to configure this at a public location (static S3 bucket) so that AWS IAM can verify the token using Kubernetes’ public service account signing key.


Once verified, AWS IAM responds to the application’s request, exchanging the PSAT for the desired IAM role credentials.


  • Tight integration with AWS using familiar primitives for those customers already invested in the platform.
  • Easy-to-understand mapping model between service accounts and roles.
  • Webhook makes consumption straightforward once everything else is configured.
  • Strong security model.


  • Complex to configure if not using EKS.

IRSA is the recommended approach for providing AWS access to applications running on Kubernetes.


Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone (SPIFFE) is a standard that specifies a syntax for identity (SPIFFE Verifiable Identity Document, SVID) that can leverage existing cryptographic formats such as x509 and JWT. It also specifies a number of APIs for providing and consuming these identities.

Example SPIFFE ID format: spiffe://trust-domain/hierarchical/workload

SPIRE (SPIFFE Runtime Environment) is the reference implementation of SPIFFE and has a number of SDKs and integrations to allow applications to make use of (both providing, and consuming) SVIDs.

This section will assume use of SPIFFE & SPIRE together unless otherwise noted.

Architecture & Concepts

SPIRE runs a server component that acts a signing authority for identities, and maintains a registry of all workload identities and the conditions required for an identity document to be issued.

SPIRE agents run on every node as a DaemonSet where they expose an API for workloads to request identity via a Unix socket. The agent is also configured with read-only access to the Kubelet to determine metadata about Pods on the Node.


When agents come online they verify and register themselves to the server by a process called node attestation. This process utilizes environmental context (for example the AWS EC2 metadata API or Kubernetes PSATs) to identify a node and assign it a SPIFFE ID. The server then issues the node an identity in the form of a x509 SVID. Shown below is an example registration for a node:

/opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
  -spiffeID spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/nodes \
  -selector k8s_psat:cluster:cnr-cluster \
  -selector k8s_psat:agent_ns:spire \
  -selector k8s_psat:agent_sa:spire-agent \

The above tells the SPIRE server to assign the SPIFFE ID spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/nodes to any node where the agent Pod satisfies the selectors specified. In this case, that the Pod is running under a specific cluster, namespace, and service account (verified via the PSAT).

Note attestation

When workloads come online they call the node-local workload API to request an SVID. The SPIRE agent uses information available to it on the platform (from the kernel, Kubelet, etc…) to determine the properties of the calling workload. This process is referred to as workload attestation. The SPIRE server then matches the properties against known workload identities based on their selectors and returns an SVID to the workload (via the agent) that can be used for authentication against other systems.

/opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
  -spiffeID spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/service-a \
  -parentID spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/nodes \
  -selector k8s:ns:default \
  -selector k8s:sa:service-a \
  -selector k8s:pod-label:app:frontend \

The above tells the SPIRE server to assign the SPIFFE ID spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/service-a to any workload that:

  • Is running on a node with ID spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/nodes.
  • Is running in the default namespace.
  • Is running under the service-a service account.
  • Has the Pod label app: frontend.
  • Was built using the image.

Workload Attestation

Note that the kubelet uses the TokenReview API to validate bearer tokens. This requires reachability to the Kubernetes API server. Therefore API server downtime can interrupt workload attestation. The --authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl kubelet flag controls how long the kubelet caches TokenReview responses and may help to mitigate this issue. A large cache TTL value is not recommended however, as that can impact permission revocation.


  • Leverages well understood and widely supported cryptographic standards (x509 & JWT).
  • Cross-platform supporting both Kubernetes and non-Kubernetes workloads.
  • Can leverage an upstream CA if required.
  • All certificates can be provided in-memory to mitigate compromised disk access.
  • Supports many application integration points (see below).
  • Supports more granular property selectors than other identity providers.
  • CNCF project.
  • Supports federation between clusters.
  • Regular rotation of secrets.


  • Doesn’t support separate certificate authorities for client and server.
  • Is another component to maintain in an environment.
  • Nodes and workloads identities need to be registered. This is manual out of the box (but could be automated).
  • Requires a backing datastore to persist identity data (sqlite by default), raising the complexity of maintaining the solution.

Integration Points

SPIFFE / SPIRE have a number of integration points with workload applications. Which integration point is appropriate will depend on the desired level of coupling to the platform and the amount of control users have over the environment.

Direct Application Access

Not a recommended approach

Direct integration is not a recommended approach (unless building intermediate tooling) for the following reasons:

  • Tightly couples the application with the platform / implementation.
  • Requires mounting the SPIRE agent Unix socket into the Pod.
  • Not easily extensible.

SPIRE provides SDKs for Go, C and Java for applications to directly integrate with the SPIFFE workload API. These wrap existing HTTP libraries but provide native support for obtaining and verifying identities. Below is an example in Go calling a Kubernetes service service-b and expecting a specific SPIFFE ID to be presented (through a x509 SVID).

err := os.Setenv("SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET", "unix:///run/spire/sockets/agent.sock")
conn, err := spiffe.DialTLS(ctx, "tcp", "service-b", spiffe.ExpectPeer("spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/service-b"))
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Unable to create TLS connection: %v", err)

The SPIRE agent also exposes a gRPC API for those users who want a tighter integration with the platform but are working in a language without SDK availability.

Sidecar Proxy

SPIRE natively supports the Envoy SDS API for publishing certificates to be consumed by an Envoy proxy. Envoy can then use the SVID x509 certificate to establish TLS connections with other services, and use the trust bundle to verify incoming connections.

Envoy also supports verifying that only specific SPIFFE IDs (encoded into the SVID) should be able to connect. There are two methods to implement this verification:

  1. By specifying a list of verify_subject_alt_name values in the Envoy configuration.
  2. By utilizing Envoy’s External Authorization API to delegate admission decisions an external system (for example, OPA). Below is an example of a Rego policy to achieve this:
package envoy.authz

import input.attributes.request.http as http_request
import input.attributes.source.address as source_address

default allow = false

allow {
    http_request.path == "/api"
    http_request.method == "GET"
    svc_spiffe_id == "spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/frontend"

svc_spiffe_id = client_id {
    [_, _, uri_type_san] := split(http_request.headers["x-forwarded-client-cert"], ";")
    [_, client_id] := split(uri_type_san, "=")

In the above example, Envoy verifies the request’s TLS certificate against the SPIRE trust bundle then delegates authorization to OPA. The Rego policy inspects the SVID and allows the request if the SPIFFE ID matches spiffe://cnr-trust-domain/frontend.

SPIRE and Envoy

Service Mesh

Istio’s CA creates SVIDs for all service accounts, encoding a SPIFFE ID in the format spiffe://cluster.local/ns/<namespace>/sa/<service_account>. Therefore services in an Istio mesh can leverage SPIFFE aware endpoints.

Note that while service meshes are out of scope for this guide, many attempt to address the issue of identity and authentication. Most of these attempts include or build on the methods and tooling detailed in this guide.


In addition to the primary methods above, SPIRE also supports the following:

  • Pulling SVIDs and trust bundles directly to a filesystem, enabling applications to detect changes and reload. While this enables applications to be somewhat agnostic to SPIRE, it also opens an attack vector for certificates to be stolen from the filesystem.
  • Nginx module that allows for certificates to be streamed from SPIRE (similar to the Envoy integration described above). There are custom modules for Nginx that enable users to specify the SPIFFE IDs that should be allowed to connect to the server.

Integration with Secrets Store (Vault)

SPIRE can be used to solve the secure introduction problem when an application needs to obtain some shared secret material from HashiCorp Vault. Vault can be configured to authenticate clients using OIDC federation with the SPIRE server as an OIDC provider.

Roles in Vault can be bound to specific subjects (SPIFFE IDs) so that when a workload requests a JWT SVID from SPIRE, that is valid to obtain a role and therefore accessor credentials to Vault.

Integration with AWS

SPIRE can also be used to establish identity and authenticate to AWS services. This process utilizes the same OIDC federation idea in the AWS IRSA and Vault sections above. Workloads request JWT SVIDs that are then verified by AWS by validating against the federated OIDC provider (SPIRE server). The downside of this approach is that SPIRE must be publicly accessible for AWS to discover the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) material required to validate the JWTs.