Kubernetes Monitoring Checklist

To run a Kubernetes platform effectively, cluster administrators need visibility into the behavior of the system. Furthermore, platform administrator need to be alerted when any of the critical platform components are unavailable or behaving erratically.

This guide provides a list of components that platform operators should monitor. More importantly, it lists important conditions that operators should use to generate alerts. The guide does not prescribe a specific monitoring or alerting tool. Instead, it focuses on what to monitor.

How to Use This Guide

The sections below outline conditions that platform operators must monitor when operating Kubernetes. For each condition, the guide provides the following:

  • Threshold: The magnitude that must be exceeded to generate an alert.
  • Severity: The severity of the condition, given the threshold is met.
  • Metrics: The available metrics to monitor.
  • Notes: Additional information applicable to the condition.

If the condition is true and above the given threshold, the monitoring system should generate an alert with the given severity. To keep things simple, we use two severities in this guide: Warning and Critical. We advise treating critical alerts as urgent, and alerting via a pager or equivalent. Warnings are less severe and can typically be tied to an asynchronous notification such as email, Slack, or a ticketing system.

It is important to keep in mind that thresholds and the severity of alerts will vary for each environment. Platform operators can use this guide as a starting point for their monitoring implementation.


Member Down

  • Threshold: 3 minutes
  • Severity: Warning
  • Metrics: up
  • Notes: A single member failure does not have a direct impact on the Kubernetes cluster. However, it increases the risk of experiencing etcd quorum loss if additional members fail.

Majority of Members Down

  • Threshold: 3 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: up
  • Notes: When the majority of members are down, the cluster loses quorum and cannot accept writes. Existing workloads on the Kubernetes cluster continue to function, but any operations that require writing to etcd are not possible. These operations include deploying new applications, scaling existing workloads, adding new nodes, etc.

No Leader

  • Threshold: 1 minute
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: etcd_server_has_leader
  • Notes: The cluster cannot accept writes without a leader. Existing workloads on the Kubernetes cluster continue to function, but any operations that require writing to etcd are not possible. These operations include deploying new applications, scaling existing workloads, adding new nodes, etc.

Increased gRPC Request Failures

  • Threshold: >5% failure rate for 5 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: grpc_server_handled_total
  • Notes: An increase in the number of gRPC request failures can impact the operation of the Kubernetes cluster. The --metrics etcd command line flag must be set to extensive for etcd to generate request-related metrics.

Slow gRPC Requests

  • Threshold: 99th percentile response time >150 milliseconds for 10 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: grpc_server_handling_seconds_bucket
  • Notes: An increase in latency of gRPC requests can impact the operation of the Kubernetes cluster. The --metrics etcd command line flag must be set to extensive for etcd to generate latency-related metrics.

Kubernetes API Server

API Server Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Warning
  • Metrics: kube_pod_status_phase (via kube-state-metrics) (when the API server is running as a pod)
  • Notes: The loss of a single API server does not have an immediate impact on the cluster’s operations. However, it increases the risk of a control plane outage if additional API servers fail.

High Request Latency

  • Threshold: 99th percentile response time >4 seconds for 10 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: apiserver_request_duration_seconds_sum, apiserver_request_duration_seconds_count, apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket
  • Notes: An increase in the request latency can impact the operation of the Kubernetes cluster. This abnormal increase should be investigated and remediated.

High Error Rate

  • Threshold: >3% failure rate for 10 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: apiserver_request_total
  • Notes: An increase in the request error rate can impact the operation of the Kubernetes cluster. This abnormal increase should be investigated and remediated.

Client Certificate Expiring

  • Threshold: Expiration within 24 hours
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: apiserver_client_certificate_expiration_seconds_count
  • Notes: A client certificate expiration will prevent cluster components from authenticating with each other, rendering them unable to carry out their function.

Kubernetes Controller Manager

Monitoring the Controller Manager is critical to ensure the cluster can reconcile the current state of the cluster with the users’ desired state.

Controller Manager Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Warning
  • Metrics: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total and kube_pod_status_phase (via kube-state-metrics) (when the Controller Manager is running as a pod)
  • Notes: If the cluster has multiple control plane nodes, the loss of a single controller manager does not have an immediate impact on the cluster’s operations. However, it increases the risk of losing reconciliation loops if additional controller managers fail.

Kubernetes Scheduler

Monitoring the scheduler is critical to ensure the cluster can place new workloads and move existing workloads to other nodes.

Scheduler Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Warning
  • Metrics: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total and kube_pod_status_phase (via kube-state-metrics) (when the scheduler is running as a pod)
  • Notes: If the cluster has multiple control plane nodes, the loss of a single scheduler does not have an immediate impact on cluster’s operations. However, it increases the risk of losing scheduling functionality if additional schedulers fail.


Kubelet Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: up
  • Notes: If the kubelet is down, it is deemed not ready. Nodes that are not ready cannot accept pods. The platform evicts Pods running on a not-ready Node if the Node remains in that condition for longer than the pod eviction timeout.

Node Not Ready

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Warning
  • Metrics: kube_node_status_condition
  • Notes: Nodes that are not ready cannot accept pods. The platform evicts Pods running on a not-ready Node if the Node remains in that condition for longer than the pod eviction timeout.

Node Unreachable

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Warning
  • Metrics: kube_node_spec_taint (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: Nodes that are unreachable cannot accept pods. The platform evicts Pods running on an unreachable Node if the Node remains in that condition for longer than the pod eviction timeout.

Too Many Pods

  • Threshold: 95% pod count capacity
  • Severity: Warning
  • Metrics: kubelet_running_pod_count, kube_node_status_capacity_pods

File System Utilization

  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: node_filesystem_avail_bytes and node_filesystem_size_bytes (via kube-state-metrics) kube-state-metrics), node_filesystem_files_free (via kube-state-metrics)

Persistent Volume Usage

  • Threshold: <3% available
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes, kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes

Clock Skew Detected

  • Threshold: Clock Skew >50 milliseconds
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: node_timex_offset_seconds (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: Kubernetes does not tolerate clock skew between nodes in the cluster.


Monitoring kube-proxy is critical to ensure workloads can access Pods and Services running on other nodes.

kube-proxy Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total and kube_pod_status_phase (via kube-state-metrics) (when kube-proxy is running as a pod)
  • Notes: When kube-proxy is unavailable, Services are not reflected on a node’s IPtables or IPVS configuration. Thus, applications running on the affected node cannot communicate with other pods using Service IPs.


kube-state-metrics exposes metrics about the state of the objects within a Kubernetes cluster. The metrics cover, but are not limited to, Deployments, ReplicaSets, Pods and Nodes.

kube-state-metrics is not built into Kubernetes. It is an extra component that platform operators must deploy onto the cluster. For more information, see the kube-state-metrics GitHub repository.

Pod Crash Looping

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total
  • Notes: Pods stuck in a crash-loop for extended periods of time indicate an issue with the application.

Pod Not Ready

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_pod_status_phase
  • Notes: Pods stuck in the not-ready condition for extended periods of time indicate an issue with the application.

Deployment Rollout Stuck

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_deployment_spec_replicas, kube_deployment_status_replicas_available (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: The number of ready pods of a given Deployment does not match the number of desired replicas.

DaemonSet Rollout Stuck

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_daemonset_status_number_ready, kube_daemonset_status_desired_number_scheduled (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: The number of ready pods of a given DaemonSet does not match the number of nodes in the cluster.

StatefulSet Rollout Stuck

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_statefulset_status_replicas_ready, kube_statefulset_status_replicas (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: The number of ready pods of a given StatefulSet does not match the number of desired replicas.

Elevated List Errors

  • Threshold: >10% error rate for 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_state_metrics_list_total
  • Notes: If kube-state-metrics is experiencing an elevated error rate in list operations, it will not be able to expose metrics about Kubernetes objects correctly.

Elevated Watch Errors

  • Threshold: >10% error rate for 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_state_metrics_watch_total
  • Notes: If kube-state-metrics is experiencing an elevated error rate in watch operations, it will not be able to expose metrics about Kubernetes objects correctly.


Monitoring CoreDNS is important to ensure that applications running in the cluster can perform service discovery using DNS. CoreDNS is essential for the proper functioning of the Service resource in Kubernetes.

CoreDNS is Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: up
  • Notes: When CoreDNS is down, applications are unable to use DNS for service discovery.

High Response Latency

  • Threshold: >20ms latency
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: coredns_dns_request_duration_seconds
  • Notes: An increase in the response latency of DNS queries can impact application performance. The increase in latency might indicate the need to scale out the CoreDNS deployment.

CNI Plugin

Pod Not Ready

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_pod_status_phase and kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: Nodes with a not-ready or crashing CNI plugin are unable to start new pods. Network connectivity of existing pods might also be impacted.

Ingress Controller

Pod Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_pod_status_phase and kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: Applications exposed via the Ingress API are not accessible if Ingress controller pods are unavailable.

Count of Healthy Pods not equal to number of ingress nodes

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Notes: Only applicable if deploying Ingress Controller as a DaemonSet that selects specific nodes.

Log Forwarder

Pod Down

  • Threshold: 15 minutes
  • Severity: Critical
  • Metrics: kube_pod_status_phase and kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total (via kube-state-metrics)
  • Notes: Application and platform logs are not forwarded to the centralized logging system if the log forwarding pods are unavailable.

Monitoring System

In addition to monitoring the platform components mentioned above, it is of critical importance that platform operators monitor their monitoring system. To achieve this, operators typically implement a “Dead man’s switch”.

Implementations can vary across monitoring systems. But typically, the Dead man’s switch is implemented as an alert that is always triggering. The alert is delivered to an external system that expects the alert to be triggering constantly. In the case that the alert stops, the external system alerts the platform operator to let them know the monitoring system is down.

Another approach is to implement a watchdog pattern, where a test alert is generated every N seconds and sent to an external system. If the alert does not flow through the system, then platform operators know there is an issue.