Using mutual TLS to secure Kubernetes workload traffic

Dmitriy Dubson

This guide is going to walk you through the steps for building a working implementation of Kubernetes workloads communicating internally using mutual TLS (mTLS). The example client application and service in this guide depict a working instance of such architecture, and can be applied to many other open source or proprietary services that support traffic encryption with mTLS.

It is written specifically for application developers who want to add another layer of security to their Kubernetes workload traffic using mutual TLS, and requires a working knowledge of basic Kubernetes constructs and command-line operations using kubectl.

Upon completing this guide, you should have a working knowledge and working reference implementation of workloads communicating using mutual TLS.

This guide has three sections:

  • Part I: Creating Workloads defines a Redis workload and a Spring Boot client application workload communicating on the cluster without traffic encryption.
  • Part II: Enabling mTLS updates the design to include mutual TLS, and introduces a certificate manager into the cluster to aid the creation of required certificates for powering encrypted traffic using mutual TLS.
  • Part II (Extended Cut): Managing CA Certificates Using Service Bindings addresses a potential issue with a JVM-based CA certificate truststore that readers might find useful. This section is optional.

Part I: Creating Workloads

From a sandbox, set up a local, working Kubernetes cluster.

Note: Because this guide is only for demonstration and evaluation purposes, it is recommended that you create workloads from a sandbox.

There are a few tools that you can use to set up a local Kubernetes cluster with a single node. The examples in this guide use kind. Two other tools to consider are:

To verify a working Kubernetes environment, run:

kubectl cluster-info

To ensure you are working in a proper sandbox, verify your current context by running:

kubectl config current-context

You should see a familiar sandbox environment name. Verify that this is the context where you want to work.

Create an empty yaml file called mtls-demo.yaml. You are going to use this file as one of your primary artifacts for this guide.

To start, create a Kubernetes namespace for this demonstration called mtls-demo:

Append this definition to the empty mtls-demo.yaml file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: mtls-demo
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

Next, create a basic Redis server Kubernetes deployment and service within the cluster with the following definition:

Append this definition to mtls-demo.yaml file.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  namespace: mtls-demo
  name: redis-server
  replicas: 1
      name: redis-server
        name: redis-server
        - name: redis-server
          image: bitnami/redis:6.2.6
            - containerPort: 6379
            - name: ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD
              value: "yes"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis-server
  namespace: mtls-demo
    - port: 6379
      targetPort: 6379
    name: redis-server
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

The Redis server does not enable TLS support by default. Part of the goal is to enable this support in future steps. For now, you want to get a Redis server running and accessible within the cluster. Password support is disabled in Redis for this demonstration so that you can focus on enabling TLS support. Refer to official Redis guidelines as to the usage of proper password protection.

If all reconciles successfully, there should be a Redis server running in the cluster. To verify that you can communicate with the Redis server, run:

kubectl exec deployment/redis-server -n mtls-demo -- redis-cli ping

You should see “PONG” as a response. This is Redis’ response for a “ping” message which acts as an establishing dial-tone.

Next, create a client application to connect to the Redis instance. For this step, use a sample Spring Boot application with a Spring Data Redis library integration. The Docker image for the application is built with the help of Spring Boot Gradle plugins’ bootBuildImage task, which relies on Cloud Native Buildpacks.

To review the code for this sample application go here.

The reusable Docker image is published on Docker Hub with name and tag ddubson/spring-boot-redis-mtls-demo:basic.

Now, create a client application Deployment using the client application Docker image.

Append this definition to mtls-demo.yaml file.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  name: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  namespace: mtls-demo
  replicas: 1
      app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
        app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
        - image: ddubson/spring-boot-redis-mtls-demo:basic
          name: spring-boot-redis-client-app
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_HOST
              value: "redis-server"
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_PORT
              value: "6379"
            - containerPort: 8080
              name: app-port
              protocol: TCP
              path: /actuator/health
              port: app-port
              path: /actuator/health
              port: app-port
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  name: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  namespace: mtls-demo
    - name: service-port
      port: 8080
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 8080
    app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  type: ClusterIP
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

The above Deployment definition of a Spring Boot client application relies on the Redis Service resource being available on the cluster at host address redis-server on port 6379. TLS support is not yet enabled, and so the definition does not have any configuration besides the host and port of the Redis server.

The application is configured with a liveness and readiness probe. If it reconciles successfully, then you know it has connected to Redis successfully.

For extra verification, the client application comes with an API endpoint that can be queried. This specifically interacts with Redis:

kubectl port-forward svc/spring-boot-redis-client-app 8080:8080 -n mtls-demo

# In another terminal window/tab
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/

# You should receive a random UUID string as a response.

You can now stop port forwarding and proceed to the next steps.

The client application is able to interact with Redis in the cluster using an unencrypted connection. Now, you can focus on securing the traffic between Redis and the client application using mutual TLS.

Find the full mtls-demo.yaml up to this point for reference here.

Part II: Enabling mTLS

The mutual TLS (mTLS) scheme requires the use of digital certificates. The first step is to ensure the cluster has an entity in charge of managing certificates. In this example, use cert-manager.

As of the release of this guide, the latest cert-manager version is 1.6.1. Follow the installation process for this version, as outlined in cert-manager install docs.

kubectl apply -f

To verify that cert-manager is installed and operational, run:

kubectl rollout status deployment/cert-manager -n cert-manager 
# cert-manager should be successfully rolled out

Once cert-manager is installed and operational on the cluster, move to the next step of defining the required components for mTLS.

Focus on creating components required for private Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). In this case, private refers to components within an internal or non-public system interacting over encrypted channels using public/private keys and digital certificates. Our client application and internal Redis server can be thought of as “private” because the traffic between them never leaves the boundaries of the cluster.

For mutual TLS between server and client, you will be required to provide the components certificates. Specifically, you are going to need a server certificate, client certificate, and Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. The certificates and the authorities issuing those certificates within a Kubernetes cluster are managed by cert-manager. The final certificate chain is going to look like:

Issuer and certificate chain

“Leaf” certificates are server and client certificates. The server certificate is provided to Redis. The client certificate to the client application.

Here is what the final arrangement looks like:

Server and client certificate architecture

Start with creating your first cert-manager Issuer custom resource. An Issuer is responsible for handling the process of requesting and subsequently issuing certificates to interested parties. The first Issuer you create is going to be responsible for issuing a root certificate. A root certificate acts as the trusted certificate authority (CA) certificate within the mTLS scheme.

IMPORTANT: Add this definition right after the mtls-demo namespace definition in mtls-demo.yaml.

kind: Issuer
  name: bootstrap-issuer
  namespace: mtls-demo
  selfSigned: { }
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

# Verify that the Issuer is ready for use
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready=True issuer bootstrap-issuer -n mtls-demo
# You should receive a "condition met" message.

For this demonstration, the type of Issuer is SelfSigned, but you can change this to other cert-manager supported types such as CA Issuer for production purposes.

Next, define the root Certificate for the namespace. All components rely on this as the trusted root certificate:

Add this definition right after the bootstrap Issuer in mtls-demo.yaml

kind: Certificate
  name: root-certificate
  namespace: mtls-demo
  isCA: true
  secretName: root-certificate
  commonName: "Root Certificate"
    algorithm: RSA
    size: 4096
    encoding: PKCS8
    name: bootstrap-issuer
    kind: Issuer
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

# Verify that the Certificate has been issued
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready=True cert root-certificate -n mtls-demo
# You should receive "condition met" message.

Observe that the Issuer for this certificate is the bootstrap Issuer from the previous step. Without the initial Issuer, there would be no one to issue the root certificate.

You can now define the root Issuer (not to be confused with our bootstrapping Issuer). The root Issuer is responsible for issuing certificates geared towards server or client uses.

Add this definition right after the root Certificate definition in mtls-demo.yaml

kind: Issuer
  name: root-issuer
  namespace: mtls-demo
    secretName: root-certificate
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

# Verify that the Issuer is ready for use.
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready=True issuer root-issuer -n mtls-demo
# You should receive "condition met" message.

For the mutual TLS scheme to work, parties seeking to communicate require two certificates. The providing service (i.e. Redis) needs a “server certificate”, whereas all the clients of the service (i.e., Spring Boot app) need a “client certificate”. Define both types of certificates for this purpose.

To start, you need to define a server certificate. TLS support in Redis (and in most other services) is predicated upon launching the service with a digital certificate (.crt file), private key (.key file), and CA certificate (.crt file) provided. Check out Redis TLS support documentation for details.

Add this definition right after the root Issuer definition in mtls-demo.yaml.

kind: Certificate
  name: redis-server-certificate
  namespace: mtls-demo
  secretName: redis-server-certificate
    algorithm: RSA
    encoding: PKCS8
    size: 4096
  commonName: "redis demo"
    - server auth
    - key encipherment
    - digital signature
    name: root-issuer
    kind: Issuer
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

# Verify that the Certificate has been issued.
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready=True cert redis-server-certificate -n mtls-demo
# You should receive "condition met" message.

You have successfully obtained a server certificate for Redis, and can move on to creating a client certificate for use by Redis clients.

Add this definition right after server certificate definition mtls-demo.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: redis-client-certificate-keystore-password
  namespace: mtls-demo
  password: cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM= # "password123"  
kind: Certificate
  name: redis-client-certificate
  namespace: mtls-demo
  secretName: redis-client-certificate
    algorithm: RSA
    encoding: PKCS8
    size: 4096
  commonName: "redis demo"
    - client auth
    - key encipherment
    - digital signature
    name: root-issuer
    kind: Issuer
      create: true
        name: redis-client-certificate-keystore-password
        key: password
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

# Verify that the Certificate has been issued.
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready=True cert redis-client-certificate -n mtls-demo
# You should receive "condition met" message.

You have now obtained a client certificate to be used with any Redis client that is TLS-enabled. Above, you define a Secret resource containing a password for the PKCS#12 keystore and truststore that cert-manager is going to create as part of its Certificate issuance process. You need a PKCS#12 keystore and truststore because the client is JVM based, and the certificate for the client and the CA certificate is enclosed within these stores, and used by the JVM at runtime. Keystores contain private certificates and truststores contain publicly available certificates like CA certificates.

You are now ready to enable TLS support in Redis server, but first, revisit the Deployment definition of Redis server. According to Redis documentation on TLS support, you must tell Redis that TLS is enabled, and provide the server certificate, the server private key, and the CA certificate.

As an example, Redis may be started in TLS mode over the command line:

# The certificate, key, and CA cert specified below is an example. You do not have these files locally.
redis-server --tls-port 6379 --port 0 \
    --tls-cert-file ./redis.crt \
    --tls-key-file ./redis.key \
    --tls-ca-cert-file ./ca.crt

Now, translate this example in Deployment definition terms.

Replace the existing definition of redis-server Deployment in mtls-demo.yaml.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  namespace: mtls-demo
  name: redis-server
  replicas: 1
      name: redis-server
        name: redis-server
        - name: certs
            secretName: redis-server-certificate
        - name: redis-server
          image: bitnami/redis:6.2.6
            - containerPort: 6379
            - mountPath: /certs
              name: certs
            - name: ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD
              value: "yes"
            - name: REDIS_TLS_ENABLED
              value: "yes"
            - name: REDIS_TLS_PORT
              value: "6379"
            - name: REDIS_TLS_CERT_FILE
              value: "/certs/tls.crt"
            - name: REDIS_TLS_KEY_FILE
              value: "/certs/tls.key"
            - name: REDIS_TLS_CA_FILE
              value: "/certs/ca.crt"
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

Mount a server certificate Secret resource as a Volume onto the Redis Pod, and place it into /certs directory on the Pod. The Secret resource is a reference to the Redis server certificate and contains the following files:

  • tls.crt (the server certificate)
  • tls.key (the private key)
  • ca.crt (the CA certificate).

All files from the Secret are placed into the /certs directory.

Define a few environment variables for the container which direct Redis to look for the server certificate files at the appropriate locations.

Redis should now be started in TLS mode. You can check it by running the following command:

kubectl exec deployment/redis-server -n mtls-demo -- redis-cli ping

You should see the following message: Error: Connection reset by peer. The connection cannot be established to Redis and this is correct. You now need the client certificate on the client end (in this case, redis-cli) to be able to properly establish a TLS connection. Establishing a connection using redis-cli to a TLS-enabled Redis server is an exercise left to the reader since the focus here is on enabling a client Spring Boot application instead.

You now move on to enabling the Spring Boot Redis client application to connect to TLS-enabled Redis.

Replace the existing Deployment definition of the Spring Boot Redis client application to insert the Redis client certificate that was issued in a previous step. Additionally, create a Secret resource to capture Java VM options to modify the loaded certificates within the runtime.

Replace the existing definition of spring-boot-redis-client-app Deployment in mtls-demo.yaml Add spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts Secret before the Deployment.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts
  namespace: mtls-demo
  JAVA_OPTS: >-    
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  name: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  namespace: mtls-demo
  replicas: 1
      app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
        app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
        - name: client-certificate
            secretName: redis-client-certificate
        - image: ddubson/spring-boot-redis-mtls-demo:basic
          name: spring-boot-redis-client-app
            - mountPath: /certs
              name: client-certificate
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_HOST
              value: "redis-server"
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_PORT
              value: "6379"
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_SSL
              value: "true"
            - secretRef:
                name: spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts
            - containerPort: 8080
              name: app-port
              protocol: TCP
              path: /actuator/health
              port: app-port
              path: /actuator/health
              port: app-port
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

Mount the Redis client certificate Secret resource as a Volume onto the application Pod. Specify the path as /certs. Notify Spring Data Redis library via configuration environment variable SPRING_REDIS_SSL that Redis is accepting TLS connections. The key part of introducing the Redis client certificate and CA certificate into the application’s JVM is the injection of the spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts Secret as a set of environment variables containing a single JAVA_OPTS environment variable allows us to define VM options for the JVM. This is where you specify Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) environment variables:

  • is the container for private certificates because it contains the Redis client certificate (tls.crt).
  • is the container for public certificates because it contains the CA certificate (ca.crt - our root certificate).

Refer to Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for more about keystores and truststores .

cert-manager creates the keystore and truststore files on the fly as part of its Certificate issuance process, so you get it out of the box. Keystore and truststore passwords are in plain text. Obfuscating the password is out-of-scope for this guide but is highly suggested for production definitions. The password referred to in plain text must be the same as the contents of the Secret redis-client-certificate-keystore-password.

Verify that the application has now connected to a TLS-enabled Redis server:

kubectl port-forward svc/spring-boot-redis-client-app 8080:8080 -n mtls-demo

# In another terminal window/tab
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/

# You should receive a random UUID string as a response.

You can now stop port forwarding and proceed to the next steps.

⚠️ Warning

A caveat to be aware of is when you specify an explicit truststore via VM option and pass it to the JVM because it overrides the default truststore! This can become a problem in cases where you need all the CA certificates from the default truststore (usually located in $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts), AND a custom CA certificate truststore that is dynamically issued by cert-manager. Read the Part II Extended Cut: Managing CA certificates using Service Bindings section for more information.

Congratulations! You have ensured that the traffic within the cluster between Redis and the client application relies on TLS and is encrypted.

Skip to Finale if you are not interested in the next optional section on CA certificates and JVM truststores.

Part II (Extended Cut): Managing CA Certificates Using Service Bindings

Skip this section if your client application is not Spring Boot or Docker image built with Cloud Native Buildpacks.

You got the client application communicating with Redis using mutual TLS scheme in the cluster. Excellent!

This is an extra section specifically meant to address the issue of overriding the default JVM truststore in the Spring Boot client application, built with Cloud Native Buildpacks.

To add the Redis client CA certificate to the existing default JVM truststore of Cloud Native Buildpack-built image, create a runtime Service Binding within the container and populate it with the CA certificate. Here is what the design of our solution looks like:

Service Binding Design

Replace the existing definition of spring-boot-redis-client-app Deployment in mtls-demo.yaml. Add cacert-service-binding-type ConfigMap and modify existing spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts Secret.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cacert-service-binding-type
  namespace: mtls-demo
  type: "ca-certificates"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts
  namespace: mtls-demo
  JAVA_OPTS: >-    
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  name: spring-boot-redis-client-app
  namespace: mtls-demo
  replicas: 1
      app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
        app: spring-boot-redis-client-app
        - name: client-certificate
            secretName: redis-client-certificate
        - name: cacert-service-binding
              - configMap:
                  name: cacert-service-binding-type
              - secret:
                  name: redis-client-certificate
                    - key: ca.crt
                      path: ca.crt
        - image: ddubson/spring-boot-redis-mtls-demo:basic
          name: spring-boot-redis-client-app
            - mountPath: /certs
              name: client-certificate
            - mountPath: /bindings/cacert-service-binding
              name: cacert-service-binding
            - name: SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT
              value: "/bindings"
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_HOST
              value: "redis-server"
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_PORT
              value: "6379"
            - name: SPRING_REDIS_SSL
              value: "true"
            - secretRef:
                name: spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts
            - containerPort: 8080
              name: app-port
              protocol: TCP
              path: /actuator/health
              port: app-port
              path: /actuator/health
              port: app-port
kubectl apply -f mtls-demo.yaml

Remove any VM options previously set regarding the truststore in the spring-boot-redis-client-app-java-opts Secret resource, which is going to be loaded in a different fashion using a Service Binding and a projected Volume.

A Service Binding is a structured folder mounted as a Volume in the client application Pod. In this case, it contains a file called type with literal text ca-certificates because you are using a CA certificates Service Binding type, and the certificate file (i.e. ca.crt). Create a SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT environment variable where you define the root directory of all bindings. In this case, it is set to /bindings directory in the container.

Use a Projected Volume to gather the required files into a directory structure with required files. You have created a ConfigMap to store a key type with value ca-certificates to define in the projected volume as one of the sources. You have also taken the ca.crt file from redis-client-certificate and used it as a second source for the projected volume. Together, these files represent a single entity that you can mount into the client application container.

Here is what the set of Service Bindings looks like as a file tree in the container:


Create only one binding for this demonstration with the name of cacert-service-binding. The Service Binding mechanism of the Spring Boot image that you are using automatically registers the ca-certificates binding and loads the CA certificate into the default JVM truststore.

To verify that the Service Binding mechanism worked, run:

kubectl logs deploy/spring-boot-redis-client-app -n mtls-demo | head -n1

# Observe that the line in the log reads:
# "Added 1 additional CA certificate(s) to system truststore"

kubectl port-forward svc/spring-boot-redis-client-app 8080:8080 -n mtls-demo

# In another terminal window/tab
curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/

# You should receive a random UUID string as a response.

You can now stop port forwarding.

This verifies that the Redis client certificate is loaded into the JVM truststore, and you are able to once again communicate with Redis over a TLS connection.


You can find the complete Kubernetes resource definitions for each part here:

Finally, do not forget to clean up your cluster, run:

kubectl delete namespace mtls-demo
kubectl delete -f

This removes all deployments, services, and other configurations specific to the mtls-demo namespace, as well as the cert-manager installation from the cluster.