Getting Started with GraalVM and Spring Native
DaShaun Carter
In this guide, you will learn how to create native images with Spring and GraalVM. The resulting native executable will require less RAM, startup in milliseconds and be suitable for serverless use cases.
What Is GraalVM?
For the purpose of this guide, think of GraalVM as a JDK with two modes.
- Just in time (JIT) compiling
- Ahead of time (AOT) compiling
The GraalVM documentation has more information if you are interested.
Before You Begin
You’ll need to make sure two items are installed before starting this guide:
- GraalVM JDK (latest version)
- Native image extensions for the GraalVM JDK
# Install sdkman
curl -s "" | bash
# Install latest GraalVM version of Java 17
sdk install java 22.2.r17-grl
# Verify java version OpenJDK version 17 with GraalVM
java -version
# Install the native image extensions
gu install native-image
Using GraalVM With Spring
You are probably familiar with
If not, there are other guides that show you how to use the website.
You can use the website or curl
to initialize your project
with the Spring Initializr Web API.
You are going to configure four different options for this guide.
- Choose Spring Boot 2.7.3
- Name the artifact
- Choose Java 17
- Include the
andspring native
# Make a new directory for your application
mkdir graalvm-with-spring
# Move into that directory
cd graalvm-with-spring
# Initialize a project via the Spring Initializer Web API
curl \
-d bootVersion=2.7.3.RELEASE \
-d groupId=dev.dashaun \
-d artifactId=graalvm-with-spring \
-d name=graalvm-with-spring \
-d packageName=dev.dashaun.graalvm.with.spring \
-d dependencies=web,actuator,native \
-d javaVersion=17 | tar -xzf -
You now have application sources needed for your Spring Boot app, ready to run!
JIT compiling
Compile the Spring Boot app using the Spring Boot Maven Plugin. Note that Spring Initializr included the plugin and a usable version of Maven along with our application sources.
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Example output:
With your application started, you can check its health at http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
# Use httpie to access the healthcheck endpoint
http :8080/actuator/health
Example output:
Your application is up and running and reporting that its healthy. GraalVM with JIT compiling, doesn’t require any extra thought it works similar to other Java Virtual Machines (JVM).
Start up time
From the last line of the image above:
Started GraalvmWithSpringApplication in 1.531 seconds (JVM running for 1.821)
You should see something similar.
Note that the process ID (PID) of the application is included in each log line, after the log level.
In the example above INFO 24853
shows up on each log line.
The PID is therefore 24853
you will use the PID later in the guide.
Memory usage
Check how much memory your application is using, by using the PID.
#On Mac use `vmmap`
$ vmmap 24853 | grep Physical
Physical footprint: 115.1M
Physical footprint (peak): 115.1M
Terminate your running application.
Package your application into a jar
This will be used for the last two metrics in this guide.
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
Example output:
In the above example it took 12.578s
to package.
The jar
file that was created will run on any JVM.
Size on Disk
#On Mac look at the file size of the jar
$ ls -lh target/*.jar | awk '{ print $5; }'
The size of the jar
file is 19M.
You have just used the GraalVM JDK with JIT Compiling!
AOT compiling
Spring Initializr created a native
profile when you added the spring-native
In order to use the AOT compilation, you need to use the native
./mvnw -Pnative clean package -DskipTests
The warnings can safely be ignored for this guide.
You will see that this approach takes much longer, as AOT compiling evaluates all the accessible branches of code.
In this example, the build took over 5 minutes.
Additionally, the resulting binary can only be executed on the same operating system (OS) and CPU architecture.
The package output is a statically linked binary that can be executed natively. Everything needed to run the application is included.
# Execute the native binary
Example output:
We can verify the output, at the same location, using the same commands.
# Use HTTPie to access the healthcheck endpoint
http :8080/actuator/health
Start up time
From the above example we can see the startup time on the last line of the output.
Started GraalvmWithSpringApplication in 0.149 seconds (JVM running for 0.152)
This is an order of magnitude faster startup.
Memory Usage
You will see the PID in the logs, exactly as before. Use the PID to see how much memory is being used.
$ vmmap 69419 | grep Physical
Physical footprint: 31.6M
Physical footprint (peak): 31.6M
This execution uses less than 30% of the memory from the previous example.
Size on disk
#On Mac look at the file size of the jar
$ ls -lh target/graalvm-with-spring | awk '{ print $5; }'
The statically linked binary is 62M
but includes everything it needs from the JVM.
For some workloads, AOT compiling is the right choice even though it takes longer up front. The result is a statically linked binary that will consume less resources at runtime and starts up faster.