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What is Stored in a Region

This article describes the different RegionEntry and CachedDeserializable types and when they are used.

Barry Oglesby May 27, 2021


The Region is the data structure that stores entries in a Cache. Its entries are RegionEntry instances and are stored in a customized ConcurrentHashMap called CustomEntryConcurrentHashMap. A RegionEntry contains the key which may or may not be kept in deserialized form depending on the key type and the value which is a byte array wrapped by a CachedDeserializable instance in most cases.

This article describes the different RegionEntry and CachedDeserializable types and when they are used.

Region Architecture

There are mainly two different kinds of Regions, namely replicated and partitioned.

Replicated Region

A replicated Region is implemented by DistributedRegion.

The architecture diagram below shows the relationship between DistributedRegions and RegionEntries.

DistributedRegion Architecture Diagram

Partitioned Region

A partitioned Region is implemented by PartitionedRegion which contains a collection of BucketRegions. A BucketRegion is an extension of DistributedRegion.

The architecture diagram below shows the relationship between PartitionedRegions and RegionEntries.

PartitionedRegion Architecture Diagram

RegionEntry Creation

When a Region is created, it creates a subclass of AbstractRegionMap to hold its entries. The AbstractRegionMap uses a RegionEntryFactory to determine the type of RegionEntry to create when requested.


The type of RegionEntryFactory created by a Region depends on several factors including:

  • whether statistics are enabled
  • whether LRU eviction is enabled
  • whether overflow to disk or persistence is enabled
  • whether concurrency checking is enabled
  • whether off-heap memory is used

There are several groupings of RegionEntryFactory types including:

  • VersionedThin — creates RegionEntry instances for Regions that have concurrency checking enabled and statistics deactivated
  • VersionedStats — creates RegionEntry instances for Regions that have both concurrency checking and statistics enabled
  • VMThin — creates RegionEntry instances for Regions that have both concurrency checking and statistics deactivated
  • VMStats — creates RegionEntry instances for Regions that have concurrency checking deactivated and statistics enabled

Each of these groupings includes several different RegionEntryFactory types. For example, the VersionedThin grouping includes:

  • VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapFactory — creates VersionedThinRegionEntryHeap* instances for Regions with basic configuration. See createEntry for the RegionEntry types created by this RegionEntryFactory.
  • VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapFactory — creates VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeap* instances for Regions with LRU destroy eviction configured. See createEntry for the RegionEntry types created by this RegionEntryFactory.
  • VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapFactory — creates VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeap* instances for Regions with persistence configured. See createEntry for the RegionEntry types created by this RegionEntryFactory.
  • VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapFactory — creates VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeap* instances for Regions with LRU overflow eviction configured. See createEntry for the RegionEntry types created by this RegionEntryFactory.

Off-heap versions of each of these VersionedThin factories also exist. In addition, each of these is duplicated for the VMStats, VMThin and VersionedStats RegionEntryFactory types. See RegionEntryFactoryBuilder for a complete list of the 32 different RegionEntryFactory types.


The base implementation of RegionEntry is called AbstractRegionEntry. It has several direct abstract subclasses including:

  • VMThinRegionEntry — is a RegionEntry that has statistics deactivated
  • VMStatsRegionEntry — is a RegionEntry that provides extra statistics including hit, miss and lastAccessedTime
  • AbstractLRURegionEntry — is a RegionEntry that provides LRU destroy eviction behavior
  • AbstractDiskRegionEntry — is a RegionEntry that provides persistence or LRU overflow eviction behavior

Each of these has many concrete subclasses.

The type of RegionEntry created by a RegionEntryFactory depends on the type of key:

  • String keys (1–7 characters, 8–15 characters, 16+ characters)
  • Integer keys
  • Long keys
  • UUID keys
  • Object keys

Each of these key types causes a different RegionEntry type to be created. Combined with RegionEntryFactory factors listed above, there are 192 different RegionEntry types that can be created.

All concrete RegionEntry types are auto-generated using the script and LeafRegionEntry class.


Shown below are examples of RegionEntry types for common Region shortcuts. The code I used to create and log different kinds of RegionEntry instances is here.

PARTITION_REDUNDANT The RegionEntry instances in a Region defined with the PARTITION_REDUNDANT shortcut are:

| Key Class             |   RegionEntry Type                       |
| -------------------   |   -------------------------------------- |
| Domain Object         |   VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| Integer               |   VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapIntKey     |
| Long                  |   VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapLongKey    |
| String (1-7 chars)    |   VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| String (8-15 chars)   |   VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey2 |
| String (16+ chars)    |   VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| UUID                  |   VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapUUIDKey    |

Note: There are different types of RegionEntry instances containing String keys. Depending on the number of characters in the String, the String key is stored in a StringKey1, StringKey2 or Object RegionEntry like:

  • VMThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey1 — encodes String keys of length 1–7 characters into a long field
  • VMThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey2 — encodes String keys of length 8–15 characters into two long fields
  • VMThinRegionEntryHeapObjectKey — stores String keys of length 16+ characters in an Object field


The RegionEntry instances in a Region defined with the PARTITION_REDUNDANT_HEAP_LRU shortcut are:

| Key Class           | RegionEntry Type                          |
| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| Domain Object       | VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| Integer             | VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapIntKey     |
| Long                | VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapLongKey    |
| String (1-7 chars)  | VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| String (8-15 chars) | VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapStringKey2 |
| String (16+ chars)  | VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| UUID                | VersionedThinLRURegionEntryHeapUUIDKey    |


The RegionEntry instances in a Region defined with the PARTITION_REDUNDANT_OVERFLOW shortcut are:

| Key Class           | RegionEntry Type                              |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| Domain Object       | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| Integer             | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapIntKey     |
| Long                | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapLongKey    |
| String (1-7 chars)  | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| String (8-15 chars) | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapStringKey2 |
| String (16+ chars)  | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| UUID                | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapUUIDKey    |


The RegionEntry instances in a Region defined with the PARTITION_REDUNDANT_PERSISTENT shortcut are:

| Key Class           | RegionEntry Type                           |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| Domain Object       | VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| Integer             | VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapIntKey     |
| Long                | VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapLongKey    |
| String (1-7 chars)  | VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| String (8-15 chars) | VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapStringKey2 |
| String (16+ chars)  | VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| UUID                | VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapUUIDKey    |


The RegionEntry instances in a Region defined with the PARTITION_REDUNDANT_PERSISTENT_OVERFLOW shortcut are:

| Key Class           | RegionEntry Type                              |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| Domain Object       | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| Integer             | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapIntKey     |
| Long                | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapLongKey    |
| String (1-7 chars)  | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| String (8-15 chars) | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapStringKey2 |
| String (16+ chars)  | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapObjectKey  |
| UUID                | VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryHeapUUIDKey    |


When a key and value are stored in a Region, the key is first deserialized into its object instance, and the value is serialized into a byte array. The value is then wrapped by a CachedDeserializable using CachedDeserializableFactory. The RegionEntry is created with the key and CachedDeserializable value. The RegionEntry converts UUID and String keys of length 1–15 into long fields. It stores Long keys in a long field, and Integer keys in an int field.

There are several implementations of CachedDeserializable including:

The CachedDeserializableFactory decides which of these to instantiate for a specific value based on several factors including:


A VMCachedDeserializable is the default value stored in the RegionEntry. It can store either the byte array or deserialized value. It is initially created with the byte array. The byte array value is replaced by the deserialized value if a server-side operation is done on that entry (e.g. CacheListener getNewValue is invoked or a get is done in a Function).

On a Region defined with the PARTITION shortcut, a RegionEntry looks like:

| Property                                | Value                                  |
| --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| Region Entry Class                      | VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| Region Entry Key Class                  | String                                 |
| Region Entry Key                        | 0                                      |
| Region Entry Value Class                | VMCachedDeserializable                 |
| CachedDeserializable Value Class        | [B                                     |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes        | [B@1a4b421b                            |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes Length | 37                                     |

If a server-side get is done on that entry, the same RegionEntry looks like:

| Property                         | Value                                                |
| -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Region Entry Class               | VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey1               |
| Region Entry Key Class           | String                                               |
| Region Entry Key                 | 0                                                    |
| Region Entry Value Class         | VMCachedDeserializable                               |
| CachedDeserializable Value Class | Trade                                                |
| CachedDeserializable Value       | Trade(id=0; security=VMW; quantity=50; price=160.50) | 


A PreferBytesCachedDeserializable always stores the byte array value.

If PDX read-serialized is true or the gemfire.PREFER_SERIALIZED java system property is set to true (default is false), the RegionEntry will contain a PreferBytesCachedDeserializable value.

If a server-side operation is done on that entry, the byte array is either wrapped by a PdxInstance if PDX read-serialized is true or the domain object if the system property is set and returned to the caller. The PreferBytesCachedDeserializable is unaffected and continues to contain the byte array.

On a Region defined with the PARTITION shortcut and PDX read-serialized set to true, a RegionEntry looks like:

| Property                                | Value                                  |
| --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| Region Entry Class                      | VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| Region Entry Key Class                  | String                                 |
| Region Entry Key                        | 0                                      |
| Region Entry Value Class                | PreferBytesCachedDeserializable        |
| CachedDeserializable Value Class        | [B                                     |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes        | [B@770f6519                            |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes Length | 37                                     |

On a Region defined with the PARTITION shortcut and the system property set to true, a RegionEntry looks like:

| Property                                | Value                                  |
| --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| Region Entry Class                      | VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey1 |
| Region Entry Key Class                  | String                                 |
| Region Entry Key                        | 0                                      |
| Region Entry Value Class                | PreferBytesCachedDeserializable        |
| CachedDeserializable Value Class        | [B                                     |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes        | [B@5e7a11de                            |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes Length | 36                                     |


A StoreAllCachedDeserializable stores both the byte array and deserialized values. The use of this type is controlled entirely by the gemfire.STORE_ALL_VALUE_FORMS java system property. It is false by default. If it is set to true, the RegionEntry will contain a StoreAllCachedDeserializable value.

On a Region defined with the PARTITION shortcut and the system property set to true, a RegionEntry looks like:

| Property                                | Value                                                |
| --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Region Entry Class                      | VersionedThinRegionEntryHeapStringKey1               |
| Region Entry Key Class                  | String                                               |
| Region Entry Key                        | 0                                                    |
| Region Entry Value Class                | StoreAllCachedDeserializable                         |
| CachedDeserializable Value Class        | [B                                                   |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes        | [B@6ff9593b                                          |
| CachedDeserializable Value Bytes Length | 35                                                   |
| CachedDeserializable Value Object Class | Trade                                                |
| CachedDeserializable Value Object       | Trade(id=0; security=VMW; quantity=50; price=160.50) |


This article has shown the RegionEntry and CachedDeserializable types used by Regions with various configurations and key types.