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Displaying Current and Historical Apache Geode Statistics

This article describes how to display historical and current statistics for Apache Geode.

Barry Oglesby August 9, 2021


Apache Geode produces a variety of statistics in each member of the DistributedSystem. See my article here for the most useful ones.

There are several ways to display these statistics. The main way to display historical statistics (contained in a gfs archive file) is to use the Visual Statistics Display (vsd) tool. See the documentation here for additional details on vsd.

The main way to display current statistics (from the members in a running DistributedSystem) is to access the JMX MBeans, although not all statistics are available via JMX. See the documentation here for additional details on JMX. Any JMX tool (e.g. JConsole or VisualVM) can be used to access the MBeans.

Other ways to display both current and historical statistics include:

  • The SystemAdmin class for historical statistics
  • A custom Function for current statistics

This article describes both of these ways to display the statistics.

SystemAdmin Class

The SystemAdmin class can be used to show historical statistics from a gfs archive file.

The scripts described in this article are available here.

The Script

The SystemAdmin class can be invoked using the script.

java -classpath $GEODE/lib/geode-dependencies.jar org.apache.geode.internal.SystemAdmin $1 "$2" $3

Several examples of using the script to display specific statistics are shown below.

To display the Old Gen heap memory statistics, execute the script like:

./ stats "CMS Old Gen-Heap memory:VMMemoryPoolStats" -archive=statistics.gfs

CMS Old Gen-Heap memory, 88564, VMMemoryPoolStats: "2021/05/14 16:14:05.539 BST" samples=14161
  currentInitMemory bytes: samples=14161 min=263066746880 max=263066746880 average=263066746880 stddev=0 last=263066746880
  currentMaxMemory bytes: samples=14161 min=263066746880 max=263066746880 average=263066746880 stddev=0 last=263066746880
  currentUsedMemory bytes: samples=14161 min=123510506056 max=231922758152 average=222792276714.19 stddev=23211544176.04 last=231712971624
  currentCommittedMemory bytes: samples=14161 min=263066746880 max=263066746880 average=263066746880 stddev=0 last=263066746880
  collectionUsedMemory bytes: samples=14161 min=123510506056 max=231834174104 average=220675613269.88 stddev=29138569249.97 last=231718281520
  collectionUsageThreshold bytes: samples=14161 min=1 max=1 average=1 stddev=0 last=1
  collectionUsageExceeded exceptions/sec: samples=14160 min=0 max=1 average=0.01 stddev=0.08 last=0
  usageThreshold bytes: samples=14161 min=0 max=0 average=0 stddev=0 last=0
  usageExceeded exceptions/sec: samples=14160 min=0 max=0 average=0 stddev=0 last=0

To display the garbage collection statistics, execute the script like:

./ stats :VMGCStats -archive=statistics.gfs

ConcurrentMarkSweep, 88564, VMGCStats: "2021/05/09 00:16:08.677 BST" samples=488895
  collections operations/sec: samples=488894 min=0 max=1 average=0.01 stddev=0.09 last=0
  collectionTime milliseconds/sec: samples=488894 min=0 max=615.28 average=2.26 stddev=21.29 last=0

ParNew, 88564, VMGCStats: "2021/05/09 00:16:08.677 BST" samples=488895
  collections operations/sec: samples=488894 min=-1 max=2 average=0.05 stddev=0.23 last=0
  collectionTime milliseconds/sec: samples=488894 min=0 max=1421 average=3.01 stddev=22.94 last=0

To display all the distribution statistics, execute the script like:

./ stats :DistributionStats -archive=statistics.gfs

distributionStats, 88564, DistributionStats: "2021/05/09 00:16:08.677 BST" samples=488895
  sentMessages messages/sec: samples=488894 min=-1 max=2064 average=57.92 stddev=110.7 last=0.16
  commitMessages messages/sec: samples=488894 min=-1 max=970 average=22.12 stddev=74.5 last=0.08
  commitWaits messages/sec: samples=488894 min=0 max=958 average=0.12 stddev=8.92 last=0
  sentMessagesTime nanoseconds/sec: samples=488894 min=0 max=0 average=0 stddev=0 last=0
  sentMessagesMaxTime milliseconds: samples=488895 min=0 max=0 average=0 stddev=0 last=0
  broadcastMessages messages/sec: samples=488894 min=0 max=0 average=0 stddev=0 last=0
  broadcastMessagesTime nanoseconds/sec: samples=488894 min=0 max=0 average=0 stddev=0 last=0

To display a specific distribution statistic like replyWaitsInProgress, execute the script like:

./ stats :DistributionStats.replyWaitsInProgress -archive=statistics.gfs

distributionStats, 88564, DistributionStats: "2021/05/09 00:16:08.677 BST" samples=488895
  replyWaitsInProgress operations: samples=488895 min=0 max=16 average=0.06 stddev=0.38 last=2

To display all the operating system statistics, execute the script like:

./ stats :LinuxSystemStats -archive=statistics.gfs

server1, 88564, LinuxSystemStats: "2021/05/09 00:16:08.677 BST" samples=488895
  allocatedSwap megabytes: samples=488895 min=2047 max=2047 average=2047 stddev=0 last=2047
  bufferMemory megabytes: samples=488895 min=2 max=315 average=44.02 stddev=49.95 last=23
  sharedMemory megabytes: samples=488895 min=0 max=0 average=0 stddev=0 last=0
  cpuActive %: samples=488895 min=1 max=100 average=20.8 stddev=9.8 last=7
  cpuIdle %: samples=488895 min=0 max=99 average=79.2 stddev=9.8 last=93
  cpuNice %: samples=488895 min=0 max=1 average=0 stddev=0 last=0
  cpuSystem %: samples=488895 min=0 max=81 average=0.15 stddev=1.36 last=0
  cpuUser %: samples=488895 min=0 max=95 average=19.34 stddev=9.63 last=6

To display a specific operating system statistic like freeMemory, execute the script like:

./ stats :LinuxSystemStats.freeMemory -archive=statistics.gfs

server1, 88564, LinuxSystemStats: "2021/05/14 16:14:05.539 BST" samples=14161
  freeMemory megabytes: samples=14161 min=538 max=8968 average=3189.96 stddev=3667.73 last=8528

The Script

All of the most useful statistics described in my article here can be displayed using the script. Several of the functions from that script are shown below.

The get_stat function retrieves a statistic from the archive file.

function get_stat {
  local stat_line=`./ stats $2 -archive=$1`
  echo "$stat_line"

The log_stat function shows the minimum, maximum and last values for a single statistic.

function log_stat {
  RESULT=`get_stat $1 $2`
  STAT=`echo $RESULT | awk '{print $14}'`
  UNIT=`echo $RESULT | awk '{print $15}'`
  MIN=`echo $RESULT | awk '{print $17}'`
  MAX=`echo $RESULT | awk '{print $18}'`
  LAST=`echo $RESULT | awk '{print $21}'`

The log_stats function shows the minimum, maximum and last values for multiple statistics.

function log_stats {
  RESULT=`get_stat $1 $2`
  for i in $RESULT;
    INFO_INDEX=`echo $i | awk '{print index($1, "info")}'`
    if [ "$INFO_INDEX" -eq 0 ]; then
      STAT_INDEX=`echo $i $2 | awk '{print index($1, "$2")}'`
      if [ "$STAT_INDEX" -eq 0 ]; then
        STAT_NAME=`echo $i | awk '{print $1}'`
        if [[ "$STAT_NAME" =~ $3 ]]; then
          UNIT=`echo $i | awk '{print $2}'`
          MIN=`echo $i | awk '{print $4}'`
          MAX=`echo $i | awk '{print $5}'`
          LAST=`echo $i | awk '{print $8}'`
          echo -e '\t'$STAT_NAME $UNIT $MIN $MAX $LAST
      TYPE=`echo $2 | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
      echo $TYPE

An example of using the script is shown below.

./ statistics.gfs

fdLimit fds: max=524288
fdsOpen fds: min=418 max=2888 last=1583
processCpuTime nanoseconds/sec: min=0 max=11751004016.06 last=1003550185.29
threads threads: min=43 max=2528 last=1183

CMS Old Gen-Heap memory
  currentMaxMemory bytes: min=263066746880 max=263066746880 last=263066746880
  currentUsedMemory bytes: min=0 max=262917264456 last=192262082880

  collections operations/sec: min=0 max=1 last=0
  collectionTime milliseconds/sec: min=0 max=615.28 last=0

  collections operations/sec: min=-1 max=2 last=0
  collectionTime milliseconds/sec: min=0 max=1421 last=0

delayDuration milliseconds: min=0 max=5926 last=992
jvmPauses jvmPauses/sec: min=0 max=0.17 last=0.02

heapCriticalEvents events: min=0 max=2 last=2
evictionStartEvents events: min=0 max=2 last=2

cachedMemory megabytes: min=169276 max=201563 last=197102
freeMemory megabytes: min=536 max=32922 last=4470
physicalMemory megabytes: max=484558
cpus items: min=16 max=16 last=16
cpuActive %: min=1 max=100 last=7
loadAverage1 threads: min=0.44 max=25.79 last=1.66
loadAverage5 threads: min=0.41 max=11.16 last=2.51
loadAverage15 threads: min=1.04 max=6.02 last=2.64
recvBytes bytes/sec: min=0 max=157383286 last=79554.84
recvDrops packets/sec: min=0 max=0 last=0
xmitBytes bytes/sec: min=0 max=283933613 last=48239.58
xmitDrops packets/sec: min=0 max=0 last=0

nodes nodes: min=2 max=3 last=3
functionExecutionThreads threads: min=1 max=48 last=11
functionExecutionQueueSize messages: min=0 max=0 last=0
highPriorityThreads threads: min=2 max=9 last=4
highPriorityQueueSize messages: min=0 max=0 last=0
partitionedRegionThreads threads: min=1 max=1 last=1
partitionedRegionQueueSize messages: min=0 max=0 last=0
processingThreads threads: min=1 max=373 last=3
overflowQueueSize messages: min=0 max=0 last=0
replyTimeouts timeouts/sec: min=0 max=0 last=0
replyWaitsInProgress operations: min=0 max=16 last=2
receiversTO threads: min=1 max=60 last=16
sendersTO sockets: min=0 max=209 last=18
senderTimeouts expirations/sec: min=-1 max=83 last=0.02
suspectsReceived messages/sec: min=0 max=0.02 last=0.02
suspectsSent messages/sec: min=0 max=0 last=0

currentClients clients: min=0 max=114 last=100
currentClientConnections sockets: min=0 max=1919 last=660
closeConnectionRequests operations/sec: min=-1 max=202 last=0.03
connectionsTimedOut connections/sec: min=0 max=50 last=0.12
threadQueueSize connections: min=0 max=0 last=0

cacheListenerCallsInProgress operations: min=0 max=0 last=0
cacheWriterCallsInProgress operations: min=0 max=0 last=0
loadsInProgress operations: min=0 max=0 last=0

Custom Function

The current value of any statistic in a running DistributedSystem member is available via Java API. A custom Function can be written that logs or retrieves the current value of any statistic.

All source code described in this article as well as an example usage is available here.


The GetStatisticValueFunction gets the value for a specific statistic.

It can be easily modified to return all the statistics values:

  • For a member
  • For a specific category (e.g. DistributionStats) in a member
  • For a specific category and instance (e.g. VMMemoryPoolStats — CMS Old Gen heap memory) in a member

The getStatisticValue method:

  • Gets all the statistics for the input typeName (e.g. PartitionedRegionStats)
  • Filters those for the input textId (e.g. /Trade)
  • Returns the value for the first occurrence of the input statistic (e.g dataStoreEntryCount) or -1 if none

Its parameters are:

  • statisticsFactory — the InternalDistributedSystem instance
  • typeName — the statistic category
  • textId — the statistic instance
  • statistic — the desired statistic
private Number getStatisticValue(StatisticsFactory statisticsFactory, String typeName,
  String textId, String statistic) {
  // Get the statistics for the type
  StatisticsType type = statisticsFactory.findType(typeName);
  Statistics[] statisticsByType = statisticsFactory.findStatisticsByType(type);
  // Filter the statistics by the textId (instance)
  // and get the first occurrence of the statistic in that instance
    .filter(statistics -> statistics.getTextId().equals(textId))
    .map(statistics -> statistics.get(statistic))

To log the value of the CMS Old Gen heap memory currentUsedMemory statistic, execute the GetStatisticValueFunction like:

./ get-statistic VMMemoryPoolStats 'CMS Old Gen-Heap memory' currentUsedMemory

2021-06-12 19:23:03.762  INFO 6100 --- [  main] example.client.Client : Starting Client ...
2021-06-12 19:23:09.623  INFO 6100 --- [  main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 6.573 seconds (JVM running for 7.227)
2021-06-12 19:23:09.676  INFO 6100 --- [  main] example.client.Client : 
Statistic value for category=VMMemoryPoolStats; type=CMS Old Gen-Heap memory;statistic=currentUsedMemory
  member=<v1>:41001; value=35,393,776
  member=<v2>:41002; value=35,444,256
  member=<v3>:41003; value=35,266,648

To log the value of the Trade region dataStoreBytesInUse statistic, execute the GetStatisticValueFunction like:

./ get-statistic PartitionedRegionStats /Trade dataStoreBytesInUse

2021-06-12 19:25:11.157  INFO 6139 --- [  main] example.client.Client : Starting Client ...
2021-06-12 19:25:17.032  INFO 6139 --- [  main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 6.562 seconds (JVM running for 7.303)
2021-06-12 19:25:17.098  INFO 6139 --- [  main] example.client.Client : 
Statistic value for category=PartitionedRegionStats; type=/Trade;statistic=dataStoreBytesInUse
  member=<v1>:41001; value=7,258,774
  member=<v2>:41002; value=7,340,782
  member=<v3>:41003; value=7,257,758

To log the value of the Trade region dataStoreEntryCount statistic, execute the GetStatisticValueFunction like:

./ get-statistic PartitionedRegionStats /Trade dataStoreEntryCount

2021-06-12 19:26:35.074  INFO 6156 --- [  main] example.client.Client : Starting Client ...
2021-06-12 19:26:40.653  INFO 6156 --- [  main] example.client.Client : Started Client in 6.278 seconds (JVM running for 6.901)
2021-06-12 19:26:40.714  INFO 6156 --- [  main] example.client.Client : 
Statistic value for category=PartitionedRegionStats; type=/Trade;statistic=dataStoreEntryCount
  member=<v1>:41001; value=6,642
  member=<v2>:41002; value=6,717
  member=<v3>:41003; value=6,641


The LogAllStatisticValuesFunction logs all the statistic categories, instances and values.

It can easily be modified to log the statistics values for:

  • A specific category (e.g. DistributionStats)
  • A specific category and instance (e.g. VMMemoryPoolStats — CMS Old Gen heap memory)

The logAllStatistics method:

  • Gets all the categories of statistics
  • Sorts them by name
  • Adds each category to the builder
private void logAllStatistics(Cache cache) {
  // Get the statistics
  InternalDistributedSystem ids = (InternalDistributedSystem) cache.getDistributedSystem();
  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
  List<Statistics> statsList = ids.getStatisticsManager().getStatsList();

  // Add the header
  addHeader(ids, builder, statsList);

  // Add the statistics
    .sorted(Comparator.comparing(statistics -> statistics.getType().getName()))
    .forEach(statistics -> addStatistics(builder, statistics));

  // Log the results

The addStatistics method:

  • Gets all the individual statistics for each category
  • Sorts them by name
  • Adds each statistic to the builder
private void addStatistics(StringBuilder builder, Statistics statistics) {
  // Add statistics header
  StatisticsType type = statistics.getType();
  addStatisticsHeader(builder, statistics, type);

  // Add statistics
    .forEach(statisticDescriptor -> addStatistic(builder, statistics, statisticDescriptor));

The addStatistic method adds each statistic name and value to the builder.

private void addStatistic(StringBuilder builder, Statistics statistics, StatisticDescriptor descriptor) {
    .append(" ")

A truncated example is shown below.

CachePerfStats.RegionStats-partition-Trade statistics:
  creates=6,732 operations
  entries=6,732 entries
  updates=3,353 operations

CacheServerStats. statistics:
  currentClientConnections=1 sockets
  currentClients=1 clients
  putRequests=3,427 operations
  putResponses=3,427 operations
  receivedBytes=3,917,529 bytes
  sentBytes=229,793 bytes

DistributionStats.distributionStats statistics:
  processedMessages=8,276 messages
  receivedBytes=4,515,304 bytes
  receivedMessages=8,276 messages
  replyWaitsCompleted=4,070 operations
  sentBytes=31,715,422 bytes
  sentMessages=10,386 messages

FunctionStatistics.GetStatisticValueFunction statistics:
  functionExecutionCalls=2 operations
  functionExecutionsCompleted=2 operations

FunctionStatistics.LogAllStatisticValuesFunction statistics:
  functionExecutionCalls=5 operations
  functionExecutionsCompleted=4 operations

PartitionedRegionStats./Trade statistics:
  bucketCount=76 buckets
  dataStoreBytesInUse=7,357,150 bytes
  dataStoreEntryCount=6,732 entries
  primaryBucketCount=38 buckets
  putsCompleted=3,427 operations

StatSampler.statSampler statistics:
  delayDuration=999 milliseconds

VMGCStats.ParNew statistics:
  collectionTime=283 milliseconds
  collections=2 operations

VMGCStats.ConcurrentMarkSweep statistics:
  collectionTime=4,527 milliseconds
  collections=3 operations

VMMemoryPoolStats.CMS Old Gen-Heap memory statistics:
  currentMaxMemory=724,828,160 bytes
  currentUsedMemory=21,330,872 bytes

VMStats.vmStats statistics:
  cpus=4 cpus
  freeMemory=924,641,576 bytes
  maxMemory=1,038,876,672 bytes
  threads=72 threads
  totalMemory=1,038,876,672 bytes


This article has shown several ways to display both current and historical statistics.