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Config Server with Vault & Git

Configure config-server with vault & Git together as backend for .NET Core application(including a sample .NET Core application)

Steps to configure
  • Create vault instance in PCF

    cf create-service p-vault standard <vault-service-name>
  • Bind it to a simple application to get the vault parameters like host, port and token via environment variables (Apps Manager –> Application –> Settings –> REVEAL ENV VARS). Settings should be something similar to below..

    "p-vault": [
        "name": "<vault-service-name>",
        "instance_name": "<vault-service-name>",
        "credentials": {
  • Setup a github repo and add file mysampleconfigserver.yml and add the below contents to it

    AppName: ServiceNameFromGitHubConfigFile
        Description: My config description from Git
  • Make sure you have the yml file in github repository you are targeting at. Point to note is that the name of the yml file should match with the spring:application:name in appsettings.json, in this case it is mysampleconfigserver.yml

  • Make a note of the git repo url, username and password

  • Create an instance of config-server in PCF with the below vault configuration

    	"composite": [
    			"git": {
    				"uri": "http://your-git-uri-here",
    				"username": "gitlab+deploy-token-10",
    				"password": "password-goes-here",
    				"skipSslValidation": "true",
    				"order": 2
    			"vault": {
    				"host": "",
    				"port": "443",
    				"scheme": "https",
    				"backend": "secret/some-guid-here",
    				"defaultKey": "application",
    				"order": 1
  • The order tells the priority of the profiles and their configurations over each other, here git takes priority over vault, which we can observer when we run the sample application

  • Command(s) to create the config-server service instance..

    cf create-service p-config-server standard <config-server—instance-name> -c "{"spring":{"profiles":{"active":"git,vault"}},"composite":[{"vault":{"host":"<vault-host-name-excluding-http>","port":"80","scheme":"http","backend":"secret","defaultKey":"mysampleconfigserver","order":1},"git":{"uri":"<github-repo-url>","skipSslValidation":false,"username":"<git_username>","password":"<git_password>","order":1}}]}"

    OR (https)

    cf create-service p-config-server standard <config-server—instance-name> -c "{"spring":{"profiles":{"active":"git,vault"}},"composite":[{"vault":{"host":"<vault-host-name-excluding-https>","port":"443","scheme":"https","backend":"secret","defaultKey":"mysampleconfigserver","order":1},"git":{"uri":"<github-repo-url>","skipSslValidation":false,"username":"<git_username>","password":"<git_password>","order":1}}]}"
  • Clone this sample application from git

    git clone
  • Follow the instructions to compile, publish and push the application to cloud.

  • Use the below commands to setup your vault client (cli)

    export VAULT_ADDR=<vault-host-from-step#2>
    export VAULT_TOKEN=<vault-token-from-step#2>
  • You can add configuration(s) into the vault using below command

    vault kv put secret/mysampleconfigserver AppName='ServiceNameFromVaultConfigFile' Detail:Description='My config description from vault' Detail:Url='http://foo/bar' Logging:Level:Default=Debug
  • To verify you can curl the config server as below

    curl -X "GET" "http://<config-server-host>/mysampleconfigserver/default" -H "X-Config-Token: <vault-token-from-step#2>"
  • Above command should respond a JSON output similar to below combining data from both vault and github

      "name": "mysampleconfigserver",
      "profiles": [
      "label": null,
      "version": null,
      "state": null,
      "propertySources": [
          "name": " (document #1)",
          "source": {
            "document": ""
          "name": " (document #0)",
          "source": {
            "AppName": "ServiceNameFromGitHubConfigFile",
            "Detail.Description": "My config description from Git"
          "name": "vault:mysampleconfigserver",
          "source": {
            "Logging:Level:Default": "Debug",
            "Detail:Url": "http://foo/bar",
            "Detail:Description": "My config description from vault",
            "AppName": "ServiceNameFromVaultConfigFile"
  • Now that the sample application is in PCF, you can launch the application to verify if is able to pull your configurations from vault

  • Upon clicking [Config From Vault] link, you should see the configurations from git overrides the ones from vault, based on the order of profiles we specified, as below

    Property appname=ServiceNameFromGitHubConfigFile
    Property detail.url=http://foo/bar
    Property detail.description=My config description from Git
    Property logging:level=Debug
  • Now you can modify the yml file in github and vault entries to test the dynamic reload of configurations without restarting the application. To trigger the refresh, click the link [Reload Config From Vault] on the app.

  • You can make this auto refresh upon any change and push on the GitHub yml file as well. To get more info please refer to this guide and follow the instructions on ReadMe

Important points to keep in mind

  1. Nuget package to use Pivotal.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigServerCore, version 2.0.1

  2. Application.json should have the below configuration

    "spring": {
    	"application": {
    		"name": "application-name-which-is-the-name-of-yml-file-OR-vault-key-name"
    	"cloud": {
    		"config": {
                "uri": "<config-server-url>",
                "token": "<vault-token-from-step#2>"
  3. Add additional configuration to the webhostbuilder as below (in Program.cs)

    .ConfigureAppConfiguration((envBuilder, configBuilder)=>
     	configBuilder.AddConfigServer(new LoggerFactory().AddConsole(LogLevel.Trace));
  4. Here my sample .NET Core application’s name is mysampleconfigserver, you should see this referenced most of the places

If you prefer to dynamically reload configurations, please follow the below

  1. Add below under ConfigureServices method in Startup.cs. This injects type of IConfigurationRoot into the services collection

  2. Just add IConfigurationRoot as one of the constructor arguments, where you want to trigger the reload and call Reload() method of IConfigurationRoot, as below

    Imp: Please make sure all the configuration options are wrapped by IOptionsSnapshot (as below)
    public HomeController(IConfigurationRoot config, IOptionsSnapshot<ConfigOptions> configurationOptions)
        this.config = config ?? throw new ArgumentException(nameof(config));
        this.configurationOptions = configurationOptions?? throw new ArgumentException(nameof(config));
    public void Reload()

Interesting stuff down here, enabling dynamic configuration refresh…

  • This application is integrated with redis_messaging_library (found here) to enable dynamic refresh of configuration.

  • Refer to the ReadMe here to have the publisher app running

  • Add RedisConnector and Consumer services into service collection

    services.AddSingleton<IConsumer, Consumer>();
  • Inject into Configure method of Startup.cs, as below

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, IConsumer consumer, IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot)
        consumer.MessageReceived += ((message) =>
            Console.Out.WriteLine($"Received Message, {message.Id}, refreshing the configuration...");
Hope you have fun!
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