cf ssh-enabled <app_name>
to ensure.Windows2016
stacks are necessary in PCF, ensure using cf stacks
commandCreate a simple ASP.NET web forms application. (Use an existing one, if you have already)
->New Project
or Ctl+F5
) and ensure that the application is working finePublish the application in Debug mode
Publish Web App
, in the opened window, under Connection
tab, select File System
as Publish Method
tab, select Debug
as Configuration
File Publish Options
and select all the check boxesConfigure
link near to Precompile during publish option
, a new window will be openedEmit debug information
. It is very important to select debug info emit option, else no symbols will be loaded for debugging.Allow precompiled site to be updatable
and selected Do not merge
button takes you to the parent form where you can click Publish
, where I should see all the published artifacts.Now, we need to find the appropriate remote debugging tools, for the version of Visual Studio you are using. In my case I used Visual Studio 2017.
You can use some simple tips to find it out. In windows explorer, navigate to c:\
and search for msvsmon.exe
. This will show you number of locations based on the number of Visual Studio version you have.
In my case, since I have Visual studio 2017, I chose C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64
Create a new folder called vs_dubugger
under our artifacts directory, e.g. c:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging\vs_dubugger
Copy all the files and folders recursively from the identified remote tools folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\*
to c:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging\vs_dubugger
You can follow the above commands from power shell as below. Open PowerShell in Administrator
mode and execute the below commands. Modify the path and variables accordingly.
PS C:\> md c:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging\vs_dubugger
PS C:\> cp -Recurse -Force C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\* c:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging\vs_dubugger
Make sure you have the remote tools are copied by executing the below commands. It should open a window showing the help document of the tool msvsmon.exe
PS C:\> cd c:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging\vs_dubugger
PS C:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging\vs_dubugger> .\msvsmon.exe
Push the application to PCF
Make sure you have installed and logged in into CF CLI, ensure by executing the command cf target
. This should show the endpoint, org, space details, etc.
Navigate to the artifacts directory and do a cf push, make sure the app is being pushed to Windows2016
PS C:\> cd c:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging
PS C:\AppArtifacts\RemoteDebugging> cf push <app_name> -s Windows2016 -b hwc_buildpack
You can use cf app <app_name>
and find the status of the running app. You can also, either curl
or launch the app in any browser of your choice. Make sure the app is running properly.
SSH and setting up remote debugger in the container
You can ssh into the container using the below PS command. Type to cf ssh --help
for more details on ssh command. Also you can use any port, not necessarily 4020
PS C:\> cf ssh <app_name> -L 4020:localhost:4020
If connected successfully, you should see some thing like below
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.492]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Now you can continue following the below PS commands, here we navigate to the vs_debugger
folder where we copied the remote tools into
C:\Users\vcap> powershell
PS C:\Users\vcap>cd app
PS C:\Users\vcap\app>cd vs_debugger
PS C:\Users\vcap\app\vs_debugger> ls
Launching the debugger, in my case i used port 4020
PS C:\Users\vcap\app\vs_debugger> .\msvsmon.exe /noauth /silent /nosecuritywarn /anyuser /port 4020
PS C:\Users\vcap\app\vs_debugger> ps
This should list all the running processes, you can filter using ps | findstr msvsmon
, where you should be able to see msvsmon.exe
up and running. You should see something similar to below
196 12 2196 8656 0.05 392 4 msvsmon
140 9 1584 7136 0.03 4092 4 msvsmon
To check the ports, use the below PS commands
PS C:\Users\vcap\app\vs_debugger> ps
You can use filters like netstat -aon | findstr 4020
where you should see some results as below
TCP [::]:4020 [::]:0 LISTENING 4092
Now that your container and the app instance is all set for debugging
Connecting Visual Studio debugger to the remote container
menu and click on Attach to Process
, Or use shortcut Alt+D+P
. A new window will open.Attached To
, Click the Select button so that a window will be opened with various attach options, Here you check Managed (v4.6, v4.5, v4.0) code
only and uncheck rest . By default it will be set to Automatically determined
Connection Type
and select Remote (no authentication)
from the dropdown. By default it will be selected as Default
Connection Target
and type localhost:4020
and press Enter. Here 4020 is the port I opened for tunneling into the container, refer to above steps if not sure.Available Processes
and click Attach
button. You should see the symbols being loaded and ready to debug.Recording available @