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Core like Startup

This recipe explains, on using .NET standard extension methods in full framework app similar to one in .NET Core application. This also helps in leveraging a number of Steeltoe extension methods.

Steps to follow

  1. Add a class in the root of the application or under App_Start, called BootConfig.cs

  2. Add the below nuget packages (preferably latest versions)

    • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
    • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
    • Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
  3. Add the below code into the class

        public class BootConfig
            static IHost host;
            public static void Configure(string environment)
                host = new HostBuilder()
                    .ConfigureAppConfiguration((builderContext, configBuilder) =>
                        //Add your IConfiguration builder extensions methods here
                    .ConfigureServices((builderContext, services) =>
                        //Add your IServiceCollection builder extensions methods here
                    .ConfigureLogging((context, loggerFactory) =>
                        //Add your ILoggerFactory extensions methods here
            public static T GetService<T>()
                return host?.Services?.GetService<T>();
  4. In Application_Start method of Global.asax.cs class, call the Configure method, which will create DI container, inject configurations and even configure logging as provided

        public void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BootConfig.Configure("development"); //pass in the enviroment variable here (hardcoded for sample purposes only)
  5. You can also access the registered services using BootConfig.GetService<T>() method, anywhere from the applications.

Note: In case the application uses any DI framework, you can populate these services into their containers, where you may no need the BootConfig.GetService<T>() method.

Hope you have fun!
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