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SQL Server DB Migration to Azure

SQL Server Migration  

Process Description


Create Azure PCF Service

A target SQL Server database in Azure must exist that is provisioned by the Azure SQL Server service broker.

Below is a Service Creation Pipeline Bash Script Template which demonstrates how to automate the CF CLI to create the SQL Service via the broker, a JSON Service Configuration File Template which provides the specifics of the database to the CLI, and a Service Creation Concourse Task Template which triggers the script as part of the deployment process. The SQL Server Service broker will automatically create a username and password for application when it binds to the service.

Note that this process is engineered to NOT overwrite or destroy the underlying database/service if it already exists.

JSON Service Configuration File Template For Azure SQL DB, notice you’ll need to replace the arguments surrounded by brackets:

  "resourceGroup": "<AZURE RESOURCE GROUP>",
  "location": "eastus",
  "sqlServerName": "<SERVER NAME>",
  "sqldbName": "<DATABASE NAME>",
  "sqldbParameters": {
      "properties": {
          "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"

  Service Creation Pipeline Bash Script Template

set -o errexit
set -o xtrace
cf login -a <API URL> -o <ORG> -s <SPACE> -u $user -p $password
cf create-service azure-sqldb <PLAN> <SERVICE NAME> -c <JSON SERVICE CONFIG FILE PATH>|| echo "Already Exists"

Service Creation Concourse Task Template

platform: linux
  type: docker-image
  source: {repository: czero/cflinuxfs2}
  - name: <RESOURCE> #resource containing the JSON Service Configuration File

  path: sh
  - -exc
  - |
    ls -lR  


Backup DB

Ask DBAs for a backup of the on-prem database to be ran and placed on the jumpbox

Restore DB

Follow Microsoft instructions to restore DB to Staging Server  

Sanitize DB

  1. Each table has to have clustered indexes or pk
  2. Delete Windows users

Generate BACPAC

Generate BACPAC DB from clean DB in Staging Server (must have admin user credentials)

sqlpackage.exe /Action:Export /ssn::<DATABASE HOSTNAME> /sdn:<DATABASE NAME> /su:<ADMIN USER ID> /sp:<ADMIN PASSWORD> /tf:<PATH TO BACPAC FILE>

Restore BACPAC

Restore BACPAC from file into Azure DB. It Requires server admin role

sqlpackage.exe /Action:Import /tsn:<DATABASE HOSTNAME> /tdn:<DATABASE NAME> /tu:<ADMIN USER ID> /tp:<ADMIN PASSWORD> /sf:<PATH TO BACPAC FILE>

Further Reading


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