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This Week in Spring - October 11th, 2022

Josh Long October 11, 2022

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I write this installment as I pack and prepare for my trip to Antwerp, Belgium, for the always-amazing Devoxx show in Antwerp, Belgium. I?ve so missed this show over the pandemic and am so looking forward to returning. I hope to catch any and all of you there, too! I?ll be copresenting with my pal James Ward about some of the new and novel in Spring Boot 3 and Kotlin. It?s going to be awesome - join us and we?ll have some fun together!

Now, we?ve got a ton to cover so let?s dive right into it!

Want to learn more about Spring Boot and the wider ecosystem? SpringOne 2022 is almost here! If you want a chance to learn from the source, I hope you?ll join us 6-8 December 2022, right here in my hometown of San Francisco, my favorite west coast city in the USA. (Psst.: If you register now, there?s a $200 discount from the pass price with this code S1VM22_Advocate_200.)