Hi, Spring fans! It?s here! It?s finally here, at long last! Spring Boot 3!! And of course with Spring Boot 3.0 comes a whole portfolio of integrated projects that have also been updated! Remember, a huge theme in this release is support for GraalVM native images, and that?s now supported across the board. You know what to do: start.spring.io.
I put together a Spring Tipds video introducing some of the major themes of Spring Framework 6 / Spring Boot 3.
I also did an in-depth look at the new GraalVM support powered by Spring?s ahead-of-time (AOT) engine.
There?s so much else to talk about this week, but I really can?t stress this enough: Spring Boot 3 is here! In some ways, it feels like this release has been more than four years in the making! It?s amazing, and I can?t wait for people to get to production with it. Without further ado, this week?s roundup: