Hi, Spring fans! In thi^^^ these installments, we continue our series introducing the Spring for GraphQL project. This series features Spring for GraphQL lead Rossen Stoyanchev (@rstoya05) - whose work you may know from basically everything in the wide and wonderful world of Springdom having to do with the web (HTTP, RSocket, WebSockets, GraphQL, JSF, MVC, etc) - and GraphQL Java engine founder and lead Andi Marek (@andimarek) and of course yours truly, Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman). It provides an in-depth look at all things Spring for GraphQL.
This week I?m publishing two new installments.
The first of this week?s installments, part five of the series, looks at using GraphQL subscriptions to stream data in a way that is agnostic of the supported transport protocols: SSE, WebSockets, and RSocket. In this episode, we look at the RSocket support in particular.
The second of this week?s installments, part six of the series, looks at using the Spring for GraphQL clients to talk to HTTP, WebSocket, and RSocket-powered GraphQL services.
This continues the series we started last week, with episodes one and two, which I recap here:
In this first installment, we look at the basics of using the GraphQL Java engine that underpins Spring for GraphQL.
In this second installment, we look at using the Spring for GraphQL component model by writing queries.
Episode three of a series, looks at batching requests with Spring for GraphQL?s @BatchMapping
support. This mechanism in turn builds on Facebook?s DataLoader facility.
In episode four of a series, we look at how to make a change with mutations. This is one of my favorite parts about GraphQL - it?s plain, pragmatic, and - most importantly - obvious!
I?m going to be releasing every episode of this series very quickly, over the next week or two. I?ve already recorded and mostly finished producing eight episodes. I?m working on producing a ninth, and that?ll be that! A complete introduction to all things Spring for GraphQL. These are of course part of the usual Spring Tips
playlist on YouTube, but also part of the Learn Spring for GraphQL with Josh Long
playlist. Follow that one to be notified of any new episodes!